Chapter 43: Messages

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(A/N: this chapter is a little different, a few days later Jessie is allowed visitors and each of them go and talk to her. She's still unconscious but she can hear them. These are they're messages)
"I never thought this would happen again. Especially to you, to the girl that deserved the world. I remember the first day we met in year 7 on the induction day, I was by myself and I didn't have any friends so you came and spoke to me. I remember being really awkward but you brought me out of my shell. For the past 10 years you've been always been right by me. You're parents moved from Brighton but you wanted to stay living there. We see each other every day. You're my best friend and you are a hero. We've been there for each other through everything. I remember when we had an argument when you went to stay at Joe's. I was an idiot for being annoyed at you. Now I know he is the right guy no matter how different he was last year. We all know how strong you are, all you've been through. Connor managed to get a flight and he's here now as well there's a whole crowd out there waiting for you. Me, Alfie, Joe, Caspar, Dan, Sam, Chloe, Corey, Connor and Gabby. Zoe comes when she can make it. Oh and that girl that you met called Harriet. She's here too. The others are waiting to come and see you so just know you will always be like a sister to me."
"Oh Jessica. We may have drifted apart a tiny bit. But I don't blame either of us, I love Brighton and I know everyone's moved to London but I don't want to. 9 years ago, when I met you and Charlie we were inseparable. Every day we'd be round his house and I remember when you told us your secret about your real dad. You're just the most incredible human being, a hero."
"Gertrude. Why did it have to be you? I thought you were going to die. Everyone told me you were going to be okay but I didn't believe them. You're invincible, nothing brings you down. No matter what it is you fight. I haven't found anyone as strong as you in my life. That day we hung out for the first was the best day. That was also the day Joe asked you to be his girlfriend, he's a good guy. You taught him a lesson, for once he picked the right one. But he wasn't ready yet for someone like you, someone that was going to change his life and mean everything to him. The perfect girl for him. If he hadn't met you he wouldn't of changed. You may not know what love is but he does because he found out when he met you. Gabby keeps blaming herself for this but she couldn't get away from it. But you saved her life, someone like you should deserve everything. I love you like family.  Hang in there Gerty."
"I know at the beginning we became best friends and then it stopped. When you got loads of hate on Phil's YOUNOW I thought you blamed us. He sends all his best wishes by the way but I asked him to keep the radio show and everything else going so he can't be here. I only leave for the really important meetings. He pops in every now and again to see how you're doing though. Seeing you hated online for nothing made me realise how much of a bad place the Internet can be. You ran away to Australia and came back with a boyfriend. I was so happy when you coming on our show sorted a lot of things out. Sometimes I wish you would start your channel again, I miss it. When I ignored your texts it made me feel like shit because you didn't deserve it. You can do this shit girl."
"Out of everyone you've always been there for me. When Paige died I wanted to die. You got me through it. Quite frankly you probably saved my life. You didn't treat it like pathetic teenage love you saw the truth behind it. I loved her so much and I went to see her the other day and I told her I loved her. Chloe's not over it either. She attempted to kill herself but Ash stopped her. Paige's ex boyfriend turned out to be a not so bad guy apparently. He asked her to be his girlfriend but she said no because to her it would be wrong. I haven't gotten over it yet. I saw your mum, she got back together with your dad. She told me to tell you. This probably isn't the right time or place but it's something you need to know. They're all waiting to come in here and talk to you so I'll let them. Do it for Paige, for Corey, for Chai, for me, for Joe, for everyone that cares about you. Please."
"I was so close to being with her. Sam probably told you what I did. I tried to jump, but Ash stopped me. I don't know why he was there but he grabbed me before I could. He's not friends with them anymore but it wouldn't be right if I said yes to him. He misses Paige too but not as much as Sam. We've already lost her, we can't lose you too. I know we don't talk much but you've still played a huge part in my life. This is short but I just wanted to say thank you."
"It's been a week of me knowing you and this is where we are. I'm moving in with Joe and Caspar once you're okay. They said it was fine with them and there was space. I wish that I'd known you my whole life. Maybe things would be different. But then you might not have met all the people sitting out there. From these few days I've gotten to know them all they're a great bunch. Those guys Beau and Daniel came in and said that they weren't able to stay in London but they wanted to make sure that they were called as soon as you wake up. I spoke to Jai. He was honest and I figured you weren't right for each other. There are so many people that care about you, I used to watch your videos and read about you knowing that you were my sister but I couldn't get in contact. You've got lots of people out there that are like family, even as your own brother you know them more than you know me. I don't know what I'd without finding you, I'd still be living in that shit hole of a place. You're my sister and I love you."
"My British best friend. I flew here as fast as I could and now I'm here. When I came out I thought I was going to be alone but there was so many people by my side, when you were hated on and put out in articles you weren't alone. We're never going to be alone. No matter what there's always gonna be someone here. There's always gonna be someone here for you. Even when I'm on the other side of the world I'll still be here for you. When you first came to America we instantly clicked and became best friends. From then on we've been inseparable every time we're in the same country. Joe is a very lucky guy. I know you're not together but that's all we've been talking about when we actually talk but we mainly just sit in silence. Waiting, hoping for news. Don't forget me whatever you do please. They said you'd be confused and we want to be careful. I honestly don't know how you cope. I used to be so unhappy and if I'd known you I probably wouldn't of been. You know it doesn't matter how many subscribers or followers you have, it doesn't make you any better than anyone else and we've all realised that."
"Why did you do it? That could have been laying there on that hospital bed unconscious. It should have been me. But you saved me, you saved my life and I don't know how I would ever repay you... Harriet has been sitting out there with us she's really sweet. She's told us about herself and she's really got it tough. She doesn't want to go back to the home so she sleeps outside in the waiting room. You've been an amazing best friend, I really had a best friend that I could see all the time, I love Lucy and Lydia but they live in Norwich so I don't see them often. And Hobbie is still in Brighton and is really busy with his music. You're the one that's always there when I need you. We've known each other for a year yet I feel I like its been much longer. I remember we thought we were a dream team, partners in crime because we were so sassy. When everyone goes to events that I don't go to you're always still here with me. One day I will sort out my anxiety and do some meet ups because it makes me feel like shit. But this isn't about me this is about you. If only I had come with you to talk to Dan, or if I had run. Maybe if I ran you wouldn't of had to come and save me. I broke my arm but honestly that's the least of my worries. I don't want to lose my best friend nor do I want you to forget me. Everything he told me that morning I know you heard it. I could see the smile grow on your face at every word he says. That boy is in love with you. I know you're scared of love and the idea of it. I always say you don't need a man to be happy and I stand by it, but I think you two deserve to be together again. We told him he had to go last because he would be long. He's sitting out there crying, he loves you so much. He told me that since you two became friends he's so much happier. Apparently you two kissed as well, he told me that as well. Don't be afraid to fall in love, it may be terrifying but it's also beautiful. When he talks about you, it's definitely love. I remember you telling me you didn't have any girls as friends and I offered to be your girl best friend and I'm still here. Love you babes."
"I know you don't know me that well. But I was passing by when it happened. I saw everything, when they put you in the ambulance I went back to the home because I already knew I was in trouble. I sent Gabby a DM asking her if I could visit. She said yes because apparently I made a big impact on you. I had already spent the amount of time out that I was allowed so I asked if I could visit you in hospital. My care workers said no because they knew I didn't have friends. They thought I was going to do drugs or something. So I ran away, now I sleep in the waiting room. They told the nurses I'm your cousin if that's okay. I know this seems a bit extreme me doing this but you saved my life so I want to be here for you. Everyone said they were surprised I wasn't fangirling hard but I can't not now. As much as I love them I'm not here for them I'm here for you. Life hasn't been the kindest, I dropped out of school because I used to get beaten up everyday for being a care kid. Nobody did anything to help me so I dropped out. Don't drop out, please.  If you're gone there's no one keeping me alive. I'll go now because Joe's been waiting for everyone else to finish to speak to you. He's definitely the one for you."
"I'm just gonna start by saying I love you. I love your smile. I love your hair. I love your eyes. I love your laugh. I love your personality. I love your jokes. I love your voice. I love every little thing about you. You were always so much stronger than me. When everything was happening you could still face it. It hurt but it wouldn't break you. But when you got mad at me I broke down. I was in a bad place before, I thought I understood relationships, I didn't think I could really fall in love. Until I met you. I never understood love, I didn't know what it meant or what it felt like. You were the reason I found love. I know you didn't love me because you were scared of getting your heartbroken. When we broke up I was heartbroken but it was my own fault. I was quite frankly an idiot. Then I changed, all I wanted was to get you back. I didn't want to break up you and Jai because you still deserved someone who would treat you right and make you happy. Not talking to you for about a year was the hardest thing I've ever done. Nothing really worked out with us before, the night club,  going to America and everything else but now I know we can make it work. I haven't left, Oli and Josh have been popping in to check up on me and Caspar. Even though Caspar left a couple of times to get stuff and sometimes if he really needed to sleep or go to meetings. He said he'd go to meetings for projects and things. I'm probably in a lot of trouble for all the meetings I've missed. I got a text from my dad and he said that if I don't want to marry you then I should leave because it's not worth it. But I guess one day I want you to be the one I marry. I know we're not even in a relationship but I know that I'm in love with you. When we met at Alfie's party I didn't even talk to anyone else but you, we talked for 2 hours. I remember seeing you and feeling like an idiot. You were beautiful and I realised that I had been stupid getting with the girls that I did. When I took you to see 5SOS I was jealous and I know that was stupid because otherwise you wouldn't of been with me. I realise all of the mistakes I made last year and I never want to make them again. Even lying in that hospital bed you're beautiful. When you first got hit everyone thought you were gonna die, we didn't know if you would make it. You pulled through, I don't know where I'd be without you. Probably drunk or with some random girl that I'd gotten with. You saved me. Like you saved Harriet and Gabby, you saved me. Not in the same way but without I wouldn't get far, I would still be making YouTube videos but people would probably get sick of me. I regret a lot of things that happened between us but I wouldn't change it because I wouldn't be realising my mistakes. I would have taken that hit for you. People say I talk about you a lot, that whenever someone mentions your name there's a smile on my face. That's because you make me happy, you're always the one who would pull me out of my dark place. I love you and one day I'll make sure we're together again."
I hope that was cute enough for you. I have worked my ass of to get this chapter done and it's super long as well. Let me know what you think, do you like what I did with this chapter, did you hate it? Please comment as it keeps me motivated. I never expected this story to get 12k reads and I hope I've improved. Thanks for reading, please vote and comment. I'm gonna try and get chapters up every Sunday if I can now.

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