Chapter 28- Dream Team

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Me and Gabby had been texting most the day and had plans to hang out. "I'm hanging out with Gabby tomorrow so you guys can do what you like."
I didn't do anything all day because I was recovering from my dreadful hangover and me and Joe weren't on talking terms, so he went and stayed at Alfie and Zoe's for the night.
'Meet at Starbucks at 12 x'
I looked at the clock and it was 10:45. Caspar was in the kitchen making toast with scrambled eggs. "So what's the plans for you today Cornelius?"
"Well Gertrude, I'm going to a meeting with Joe and then we're going out for lunch with Alfie because Zoe is at meetings in London all day. Have fun with Gabby!"
"Will do!" I finished my breakfast and hopped in the shower quickly. I dried and straightened my hair then put it in a high pony tail and got dressed. By the time I was ready it was 11:55 so I quickly put my Vans on and sprinted down to Starbucks. Gabby was sitting there waiting for me. "Sorry! I literally sprinted down here. I spent too much time having breakfast with Caspar."
"It's fine, I've not been here long."
We sat down and had coffee and caught up considering I'd only seen her briefly at Alfie's party. "Babes not to worry you but that girl has been glaring at you for the past 10 minutes..." I turned my head and saw a girl glaring at me with pure hatred. Once our eyes met she came over. "Why are you such a slut?"
"Excuse me?!"
"You're a slut. You've been seen with about every YouTuber there is!"
"I have a boyfriend thank you very much."
"Well he must be a shit one, 'cause you're always spending time with someone else. Caspar & Joe have been staying at yours for a while, you're probably doing them both!"
I scoffed. "Babes there is something called friends! Don't be jealous because she has what you don't."
The girl didn't say anything. "Cat got your tongue? Run along I don't need to hear it anyway."
She walked off and me and Gabby high-fived. "So many people find it rude when I say stuff like that to people. We are the fucking dream team."
'@velvetgh0st: DREAM TEAM! @JessieeeG'
"Do you wanna film?"
"Yeah sure but people think I'm such a collab whore."
"Honey, you ain't no collab whore everyone just wants your perfect little face in their videos!"
"Far from perfect!"
"Soz you feel that way about yourself hun!"
'@JessieeeG: Some people are so rude😂 @velvetgh0st'
Then I saw Kieran walking towards us. "Jessie."
"I didn't expect you to show your face here again."
"I may not work here anymore but I can still come in."
"Theres a new guy working here now anyways, his name is Brandon." Great. Just great. I had been replaced by that jerk. "Good for him" Once we had finished we got up and left. We were walking around Brighton singing at the tops of our voices. "Excuse me, can I have a picture with the two of you? I love you both so much!"
"Of course you can, what's your name?"
"Gabb, calm down." I say bursting out laughing.
We took the picture and followed her on twitter.
'@JessieeeG: I like the nice people <3'
We walked back to my apartment and Chai was there. "Oh sorry, I just came looking for you to see how you and Joe were doing since I helped him home the other day and he was wasted."
"We're not on talking terms at the moment but I'll call you later ok?"
"Alright, see you later."
He left and Gabby sat down. "I dream for a friendship like yours."
"Thanks, but I don't really have many girl friends most of them are guys."
"Well you just got yourself your new girl bestie!"
We decided on filming a couple videos together and then we sang along to a whole lot of Disney whilst Gabby posted a lot of it on Snapchat.
We spent the whole day together and I completely forgot about any of my problems. Hobbie came over and we hung out with him for a bit and we decided that we were gonna film a cover together soon.
"Today is just what I needed thanks Gabs"
"No problemo, it's nice to have someone so close that I can hang out with all the time. Unlike everyone else I don't do much travelling for YouTube, I don't like the feeling of having people queue up to meet me because I'm just an ordinary person you get me?"
"Yeah, like a load of them are going to America next week but because I'm newer to YouTube I'm not going to this one."
"Stay with me babes!"
"Maybe, there's so much stuff going on at the moment I just can't get my head around it."
It was getting late so I decided to start heading home. As much as I would of stayed at Gabby's I had two people back at my apartment and I didn't have much with me.
I opened the door and Joe and Caspar were watching TV eating takeout. "I wasn't sure if you'd eaten but we saved you some."
"Do you want to come to America with us next week?"
"Wait what?"
"You know we're going to America, come with us. I know you weren't planning on coming but please?"
'Joe and Caspar just asked me to go to America with them what do I say? :/ x'
'SAY YES YOU GOOF! Don't worry about me, it'll be super cute and romantic ;) x'
"Yeah I'll come. But what am I gonna do whilst you're doing meet ups and panels?"
"I spoke to the organisers they said your channel has grown rapidly and they'd be happy to organise some meet ups and panels for you to do."
Joe sent a message to playlist live to confirm that I was coming.
'@PlaylistLive: LAST MINUTE CONFIRMATION @JessieeeG will be coming to Playlist next week!'
'@JessieeeG: Can't wait to do my first proper meet up! See some of you at playlist!'

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