Chapter 35- Humiliation & Calling It Quits

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Once I finished song the crowd were on their feet. I hadn't expected that kind of reaction at all.
"Holy cow, that was incredible!"
That's when the cheering stopped and the abuse started. "Fine then, we won't carry on! You know sometimes you guys can be extremely cruel to someone you've only seen on the Internet. We know more about her then anyone in this room does apart from Chai and Sam." Luke said.
"You know what sometimes I don't know how you guys can call yourselves fans... If you were true fans you'd respect everyone we're friends with." Ashton continued.
I didn't really know what to do. "SHE'S USING YOU!"
I couldn't take the humiliation anymore as my eyes welled up with tears. Chai and Sam came onto the stage.
"I'm really sorry about this guys but I'm sick and tired of this bullshit! Jessie has been my best friend for 9 years! I know her better than anyone, and I know for a fact that she wouldn't use anyone! I'll tell you the reason her and Joe broke up okay? Paige passed away and he couldn't cope. He didn't want to be there for Jessie so he decided to say some hurtful things to her. None of it was her fault!"
That pushed it too far... I bolted off stage and through backstage to find a way out without facing the crowd. Sam ran after close behind me.
I was completely and utterly humiliated.
I wasn't even that famous why was there so many articles about me?
'@JessieeeG: I'm done with this!'
I ran out the side door and didn't stop until I couldn't run any further.
"Please go away!"
"Jess, please don't let them get to you."
"DID YOU HEAR WHAT THEY SAID?! THAT MY SISTER KILLED HERSELF BECAUSE OF ME!! You wouldn't know Sam, you wouldn't know what it feels like."
"I'm not saying that I do, I just... I don't want to see you get hurt by them."
"Well it's too late for that now isn't it! Go away!"
I didn't want to see anyone. "Please..."
Before he had the chance to say anything else I started running again.
"I just want to be left alone!"
"I can't let you go through the same thing Paige did! I can't lose you too..."
My heart was racing but I didn't stop. As much as it was breaking my heart I had to get away from it all.
Joe's P.O.V
"Dude have you seen these articles?"
"What ones?"
"The ones about Jessie"
Oh Jessie. I missed her like hell. "No, what's going on?!"
He showed me his phone and it showed Jessie looking broken. "The start of her meltdown?!"
"She was performing at a 5SOS concert and someone said she was the reason her sister killed herself."
'@Joe_Sugg: It doesn't matter what happened between us but no one deserves to be treated the way people are treating @JessieeeG'
"If I hadn't fucked up that wouldn't of happened!"
"We all fuck up in life, it just happens"
"But putting someone's life in danger is a whole new kind of fuck up"
"Her life isn't in danger"
"What is she decides she wants to be with her sister to get rid of the pain?! Then it's my fault!"
Oli didn't really understand like Caspar did. Ever since the whole incident we hadn't been as close but we had made up.
I knew the mistakes I made and he decided he couldn't stay mad at me forever so he was still my best mate.
"Go to Australia then."
"I can't just go to Australia and expect her to come back because this isn't the first time I've hurt her."
I loved her but I knew she didn't love me back. She was so weary of trust and being accepted that she couldn't love me. After 2 months I thought I could move on but I couldn't. I managed to convince myself I didn't love her anymore but she was still on my mind everyday.
I went on my phone and looked at all the articles written about her.
'@JessieeeG: I'm 100% officially broken. Thanks a lot :'('
#JessieOnTheRun was trending. Attached were pictures of her running down streets and screaming and Sam. She wasn't the girl I used to know. Her makeup was all over her face and she looked angry, upset, broken and every other emotion.
'@MyNamesChai: This is the times where I don't like the Internet therefore I'm done for today good night'
'@JessieeeG: Goodbye YouTube you were fun whilst you lasted but you cause too many problems xx'
Jessie's P.O.V
I was quitting YouTube. After about 4 months I was already quitting. That wasn't the whole idea I had set out in my head.
'Jessica Green quits YouTube after only 4 months!'
'@JessieeeG: Can these articles just piss off?!!'
I didn't even know where I was but it was late. I'd lost Sam, he couldn't keep up. I still felt completely and utterly humiliated.
'@5SOS: Some of you so called fans really disappoint me :(- Ash'
'Where are you? We're worried, Sam came back saying you'd disappeared:( xx'
'I just want to be alone'
'Please don't shut us out :( xx'
'I'm not! I just can't deal with anyone atm and I want to be alone so stop! Xx'
'Don't do anything you'll regret xx'
I knew they were only looking out for me but I just wanted to be alone and no one understood that.
I wasn't sure where I was but I decided to pull out my camera and film my very last video.
"Hey guys, yeah I'm a mess right now. I'm pretty sure just about everyone has heard about what happened to me... Right up until the end that 5SOS concert was incredible and I was happy because I'd gotten away from it all then bang even Australia hates me. So I'm calling it quits. I can't do this whole YouTube thing... For a long time I used to sit behind Alfie and Chai's camera wanting to be a youtuber but not having the confidence. I was scared to and I was right to be scared. Within these about 4 months they have been the best and worst four months of my life. I got hated, I got hit by a car, I was heartbroken and I cried a lot but along the way I met and made friends with incredible people who I am glad to call my best friends. Without this experience I wouldn't of met Gabby, Caspar, Connor, the 5SOS boys and even Joe. I'm not blaming anyone for the break up, but it wasn't my fault okay. My Twitter is full of people saying that I broke Joe's heart. I broke up with him but at the same time he broke my heart too. When you lose someone who you love it hurts. But he decided that he couldn't deal with comforting me so he lied and told me he couldn't see me because he was busy and he said that I was cheating on him. I don't blame him and I don't blame myself so please stop with the comments. But what this video is about is that I am quitting YouTube, it isn't for me, I'm sick of seeing my face all over the media. Every single thing that happens to me goes straight in the media and I'm so done with it. I'm lost right now somewhere in Australia because I've been running because I was so humiliated by what happened. I've been pushing the people that I love away from me because I couldn't deal with it. They asked me not to shut them out so I'm not going to. But what I am is 100% officially broken from this experience and it's gonna take a while to pick up the pieces. Maybe this isn't a goodbye forever but maybe it is. To everyone that supported me I love you and to everyone that didn't I guess you're entitled to your own opinions. I knew that being a youtuber meant that if I became big I would be noticed a lot more and my life would be on the Internet. However YouTube for me took a very dark turn and to be called the most hated person on the Internet hurts a lot. Especially when there are people out there making extremely disgusting and offensive videos. I just don't understand sometimes. So I guess this is goodbye YouTube, I'll still have my Twitter and everything but I just want to go back to how life was before when none really knew me but then again I wouldn't have met such incredible people. Thanks for watching and there won't be a video for a very long time and there never might be one again..."
I shut off my camera and decided to try and find my way back to the hotel. It was about 11 o'clock and I was tired and stressed.
"Are you okay? You look lost"
"I don't know the way back to my hotel"
"I'm Beau, I'll give you a lift I think I know the one your talking about. You're Jessie right?"
"Yeah, it's been a hectic night..."
"We were gonna ask if you wanted to hang out tomorrow but then we thought it might be a little too much for you"
"No that'd be great."
"Well we'll see you there then, this hotel?"
"See you tomorrow, night Jess"
"Night Beau, thanks for the lift"
"Anytime, keep being you yeah?"
"I ain't gonna go changing for a bunch of strangers"
I went back into the hotel and was bombarded by Sam and Chai. "I'm going to bed and we can discuss this tomorrow!" Once I got inside I went straight to my bed and got out my laptop and started sorting out my video.
'@JessieeeG: I'm uploading my last video which I recorded whilst I was lost somewhere in Australia.'
'@JessieeeG: Also a huge thank you to @BrooksBeau for finding me and bringing me back!'
'@BrooksBeau: No probs:) @JessieeeG Jai's very excited to see you tomorrow;)'
The video uploaded and I wiped away the tears. "Are you sure quitting is the right thing?"
"Yes Chai, I know how much YouTube means to you guys but I can't do it anymore."
"What are you gonna do for money?"
"I'll get a job..."
"Okay, so you're hanging with the Janoskians tomorrow"
"Yeah, you can come I'm sure they won't mind"
"No it's fine, I'll do a meet up with Sam in the park"
"Okay, I'm sorry if I ruined the holiday"

This is a bit earlier because people seem to want more. I feel like my writing has improved since I started. This is a very eventful chapter... And of course we had to have a bit of Joe's P.O.V but yeahh! Please vote and comment and carry on reading. I've been receiving a lot of positive comments recently which makes me happy and more motivated. Which mean longer chapters and more frequent uploads. Thank You! Xx

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