Chapter 4- Slumber Party

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"PIZZAS HERE!" Alfie had 3 boxes of pizza in his hands. Chai was already getting his slices. Typical Chai when it comes to pizza. I grabbed my slices and went and sat on the sofa.
"LETS HAVE A SLUMBER PARTY!" Zoe shouted. Everyone agreed to the idea. I felt like a teenager again.
Joe came and sat next to me and Chai on the other side.
"How long have you two been best friends then?"
"9 years!"
"Oh yeah the start of secondary and then Alfred came along 8 years ago."
"Alfred I'm just gonna pop back and grab a few things! I'm taking Chai and Joe with me cause I dunno they want to!" I took them back to mine and I grabbed my onesie, laptop and other stuff. We went to Chai's and his brother was home so I popped in to say hi.
"Hey Jess ain't seen you in a while how was college?"
"Yeah it was great! I wrote a few songs and now I'm dealing with a part time job in Starbucks."
"Cool well see ya!"
"Guys I was hoping tonight to make a start on creating a YouTube channel?"
"On one condition then you make a video with me cause you've always said no!"
"Fine! Only if you help me Charlie!"

Joe's P.O.V
I couldn't believe Jessie and Chai's friendship. 9 years!!
'I know you like her mate😉'
'Ffs Alfie!'
He wouldn't stop bugging me about it since I first saw her. We got back to Alfie's and I stared at him but he laughed. Jessie was creating her youtube channel with Zoe and Chai. She had decided to make it the same as her Twitter name 'JessieeeG'.
"I'll get my camera!"
We decided to make a small video.
"Hi Guys! I'm Jessie and this is my first video on YouTube. Today I'm with Alfie, Chai, Zoe and Joe..." We filmed for about an hour until I had to edit it for her.
'@JessieeeG: I made my first YouTube video check it out it has some special friends of mine in it!'
We all retweeted it for her and before we knew it she had 3000 subs! She uploaded the video and scrolled through the comments. I saw one that stood out.
'I can't believe you'd use them like all you want from them is their subs you make me sick bitch!' I think she saw it cause her face dropped. Suddenly Alfie commented
'You make me sick we wanted to be in her first video so consider yourself blocked from all our channels!' He then went and blocked her from all our channels. "Thanks Alfie.." We all gave her a hug.

Jessie's P.O.V
I felt making my channel was a mistake but the guys supported me throughout.
'Hey Jessie do you wanna come round tomorrow for our Pokemon battle and maybe collab😏'
'If you wanna get your butt kicked then hell yeah!'
Dan had become like my new best friend and we had texted all day. I used to play Pokemon a lot and we had argued over who was better.
Before I knew it everyone was asleep apart from me and Joe. "Jessie, ignore the haters yeah?"
"Yeah I guess it just takes time getting used to."

Please comment! I'll try and update when I can. Let me know what you think and what you want to happen. Thank youXx

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