Chapter 32- Goodbye

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I woke up and went and looked in the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy, my hair stuck out and I was pale.
Then I realised Joe wasn't there. I checked my phone. 'I've gone back to London, you seem like you need space xx'
Not even a goodbye. I decided to film a video because I was annoyed.
"Hey guys, today I'm just gonna sit here and sat what's up. YouTube is something I have loved doing. However according to many I am the most hated person on the Internet. When I joined this YouTube community I didn't expect this, my best friends were youtubers so I was already so familiar with it. Recently it was announced that me and Joe are dating, and apparently that's not acceptable for some of you and you don't like it that we're together. I know full well that I don't deserve him and he deserves someone way better. He won't listen when I tell him, I'm sorry if you don't like our relationship but it is what it is. A while back there was a hashtag #YouTubersAtHospital and I'm going to tell you what it's about because I am ready to. My sister Paige tried to kill herself, no one expected it to happen but it did. She hasn't woken up yet and I'm not going to lie, there's a chance she won't make it. This doesn't mean I'm taking a break, I will make sure I'm still filming and uploading weekly. I won't be doing any collabs for a while just so you can see my own content of just me. Sorry if you don't like me or still hate me but it's only the beginning so I'm not giving up yet."
I did an outro then decided to just upload it. '@JessieeeG: New video: I Need To Talk it's one take and unedited but please watch it.'
'@Velvetgh0st: Go watch @JessieeeG 's new video she's so inspiring and I love her so much <3'
Sam's P.O.V
"Excuse me, are you Samuel King?"
"Yes that's me"
"We have bad news..."
"Is she....d..d...dead?"
"She passed away at 10:32 this morning. We tried our best."
"Can I see her one last time?"
"You have 10 minutes"
I walked into the room and instantly broke down into sobs. She was gone. "Paige, why did you have to go? I love you, there's not much else for me to say. If only I had stopped you from leaving then maybe this wouldn't of happened. How am I gonna tell Jess? She's breaking you know, but I'll make sure she stays strong. Joe..."
I instantly pulled out my phone and called Joe. "Hi Sam"
"JOE, she's gone..."
"What do you mean she's gone?"
"Paige... is dead"
"Have you told Jess?"
"No, I don't know how she's breaking already."
"Get the hospital to call her"
"Ok, I will"
"Stay strong mate"
I hung up and went to the doctor. "Can you call Jessica Green and tell her. I can't do it myself."
"Ok, the sister?"
I walked over and sat down on one of the plastic blue chairs and cried. Suddenly my phone started ringing. 'Jess💁🏻'
"I'm sorry, she's gone..." I cried out.
"I'll be there as fast as I can."
'@JessieeeG: R.I.P lil sis I love you and I know you'll be watching over me :'( @xPaigeGreenx'
I then had to text Chloe to tell her the news. Since she lived nearer Chloe used to pop in but she wasn't able to stay long.
'You need to come to the hospital she's gone...'
I didn't get a reply but within a few minutes she burst through the doors. Her eyes looked fresh with tears. "Is Jess here?"
"She's on her way..."
The doctor came over. "Do you know where the parents are?"
"Her parents don't care about her..."
"It is still permitted we contact the parents to inform them of their child's death."
"Fine, I'll call her mum"
Chloe picked up her phone and called Paige's mum. "Hi, it's Chloe, yeah Paige passed away this morning...
This isn't my fault! She was your daughter and you didn't support her! If you cared you'd be here right now grieving but you're not!"
She hung up and started crying again.
Jessie's P.O.V
She's gone... Paige was dead. I parked my car still crying heavily and ran into the hospital. "Jess!"
Sam and Chloe came rushing over and hugged me. "What do you mean she passed away?"
We turned our heads and there he was yet again. Ash. "Ash, go home"
I walked over to him. "She passed away this morning there's nothing you can do now."
"Yeah, but there's things I COULD of done but I didn't and now look what happened!"
"I think you should go home, I'll contact you about the funeral which you can come to."
"Fine... I'm sorry for everything"
Sam just stood there not saying a word. "Why does he keep coming back?"
"He's guilty, that's all"
'@Ashton5SOS started following you'
"Ashton Irwin just started following me on Twitter okay then."
"Can you slide into his dms and tell him to follow me?"
"Another time..."
We didn't know what to do for a while. "I should probably call Joe and let him know what's going on"
"I already called him before you came."
"Is he coming?"
"I'm not sure"
'Are you coming to the hospital, I need you :'( xx'
'I'm sorry love but I'm busy xx'
"My sister died and he's busy!"
I then called Caspar. "Hey Gerty!"
"Cas, Paige passed away this morning..."
"Oh my gosh! Are you ok?"
"I'm holding up. Where's Joe?"
"He's playing Fifa with Oli"
"Yeah, why?"
"He told me he couldn't come to the hospital because he was busy!!"
I was infuriated. 'I AM SO FUCKING DONE WITH YOU!!!!'
'My life doesn't revolve around you'
I burst into tears. "FUCKING PRICK!"
I threw my phone on the ground and it smashed. "Can you call Chai?"
I was unaware of what Joe's issue was but I at least thought he'd be there for me when she actually passed away.
Sam called Chai and I hugged Chloe. "I should of made sure she was okay..."
"Chlo, this isn't your fault"
"It is..."
"We can't blame ourselves, she wouldn't of wanted that."
"Chai is on his way"
We sat there and waited. I wasn't sure why we were waiting but we sat there.
Then we saw it, her hospital bed being wheeled out with a white sheet covering her body.
A funeral. I was the one who would be responsible for organising it.
"Will you help me organise her funeral?"
"Sure, it doesn't have to be big."
Once Chai arrived he engulfed me in a long hug as I sobbed into his shoulder. "Where's Joe?"
"He's 'busy' playing Fifa with Oli. But it doesn't matter because his life doesn't revolve around me."
"What the fuck?!"
"I'm not in the mood to deal with him at the moment."
'@SamKingftw: R.I.P @xPaigeGreenx I love you :'( <3'
"Sam, that's gonna drive them wild"
"I don't care"
"Chloe,do you wanna come back to Brighton with us for a bit?"
"Okay, there's nothing for me to do here anymore. I've lost my partner in crime..."
We walked to my car. "Sam what are you gonna do?"
"Can I stay please whilst we sort out things?"
"Yeah I've got room or you could stay at Chai's."
"I'm staying at yours though"
"Fine we'll all stay at mine"
I took Chloe and Chai took Sam and we drove back to Brighton.
A/N: Well that happened... More of an eventful chapter. Please leave a comment and vote. I know there are many ways this story could improve so please tell me. Thanks for reading!

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