Chapter 52: Truth Hurts & Reconnections

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The party had mainly died down. Most people had gone home but there was still some people still here.
"I say we play a little game of truth or dare" Connor said excitedly.
Tyler grabbed a bottle and we sat in a circle like teenagers.

I was happy. Big things were going to happen but I was happy where I was.

Tyler spun the bottle and it landed on me straight away.
"JESSICA! Truth or dare?"
"Hmm... Dare"
"I dare you to tweet saying every song you're writing is dedicated to me because I am your queen and inspiration!"

'@JessieeeG: Guys all my songs are going to be dedicated to my queen Tyler Oakley he inspires me everyday and I might just call my album Tyler'

"That's a good name, you should do that"
"How about nahhhh?"

We continued playing doing random dares.
Then it landed on Chai.
"Chai, truth or dare?"
"Who was your first kiss? And describe it for us"
"Umm... Her name was like Rachel or something. It was pretty standard, horrible." He said hesitantly.
Lier. I knew he was lying. I knew because I was his first kiss. I looked at him and he couldn't even look me in the eye. It happened when we were 14.

"I'm tired, I'm gonna go to bed goodnight guys"
Chai got up and left and Sam realising something was wrong followed behind him.

We were teenagers and it just happened. We wanted to be each other's first kiss. This was stuff we didn't tell anyone. Alfie knew but he was the only one. When I said there was no romance between us that's because we'd gotten over it in our teenage years.

Chai's P.O.V
I couldn't bring myself to say it was her. If I admitted it I'd be admitting the feelings I was ever so desperate to hide. I was in love with my best friend and she'd never love me back.

Since the kiss I liked her. Then the feelings were just there but she got boyfriends and they died away. I knew there was no point trying to get her interested in me. That's not what she wanted.

She went from Brandon to Joe to Jai back to Joe. In the months between I didn't make a move. It wouldn't be the same if I did. I would be losing a 10 year friendship if I tried.

"What happened back there?"
I didn't even realise Sam had followed me into my room.
"Nothing, I'm just tired"
"No you're not, I know when you're lying Chai. Why did you lie about your first kiss?"
"I didn't, I was just trying to remember"
"You're lying now! Why are you keeping secrets?"
"Because once I tell you one thing then it'll all come out"
"Does this have to do with Jess?"

I looked up at him. "Maybe"
"She was your first kiss?"
I didn't say anything at first.

I clamped my hand over my mouth realising that she might hear me.
"Why is that such a problem?"
"Because I..."
"You what?"
"Like your in love with her?"

Jessie's P.O.V
We ended the game and everyone left. I was going check on Chai when I heard him and Sam talking.

I froze. He couldn't be. We'd been best friends for 10 years, he couldn't be in love with me. He'd never had a serious relationship.

If they came out they'd see me standing here but I couldn't move. I couldn't process the words in my mind.

That's when the door swung open and I came face to face with him.

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