Part 25

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Michala's POV

The rest of the week went pretty well. On Tuesday, Nick and I went go-kart racing. Wednesday we went to the movies, and saw Paranormal Activity 2. Every time something would pop out, or scare me, I would hide my face in Nick's shoulder. Nick found it funny that I was so jumpy during the movie. On Thursday Nick and I went for a picnic lunch date, then took a walk in the moonlight after dinner. When Friday came around, Nick let me choose what to do. I decided that we were going to watch a couple chick-flicks.

That day we snuggled up on the couch in the family room, Nick sat down first then I sat in front of him; leaning against his chest. We watched three chick-flicks; The Last Song, Dear John, and A Walk To Remember. I cried my eyes out during all of three of the movies. Just as A Walk To Remember finished I looked up at Nick, who had been supplying the tissues, and noticed that he was crying too. "Aaaawww! Nick your crying" I teased. "No I just have something in my eyes" He said, trying to be manly. "Dont lie to me. What made you cry about this one?" I asked. "It's just that he went from being this terrible guy, but when he started hanging out with her, he changed himself, and fell in love with her." He said, wiping his eyes. "Wow, not many boys are sensitive enough to pick up the message in this movie" I stated, hugging him. And we just sat there, in eachothers arms, forgetting the world around us. I looked into Nick's eyes, hoping to see some of his emotions through them. He noticed me looking at him, and gazed into my eyes as well. I saw love and happieness in his eyes, and I knew that if he wasn't the one I chose that he would still love me. I was so used to it that I barely noticed when Nick leaned in. The kiss seemed to go on forever, because neither one of us pulled away. We just sat there, making out on the couch, and we only pulled away when somebody cleared their throat behind us.

Nick and I quickly separated, and looked at the person who stopped us. It was Joe, and he looked furious. I hid my face in Nick's shoulder, feeling the blood rise to my cheeks. "What do you want Joe?" Demanded Nick. I stole a quick glance up at Nick, he was mad too. "Nothing, I walked in and noticed you two, and you didn't notice me, so I figured that you would be oblivious if Frankie came walking in. I didn't want you to scar the poor little guy" Joe glared at Nick. "You liar! You were just jealous." Nick sneered. "Was not. I already told you, I didn't want Frankie to see you two making out" Joe took a step closer to Nick and I. Nick got up off the couch, making me fall over, and stood in front of Joe. "Wow Joe, you're pathetic. Frankie isn't even home,and this is my week" Nick said. I knew this was going to get really ugly if I didn't step in soon. Just as I stood up I saw Joe throw a punch at Nick.

Luckily Nick was fast enough to dodge the punch, but then Nick threw a punch at Joe. I saw and heard the fist connect with Joe's jaw. Even though he had been hit in the face, Joe didn't back down, he punched Nick in the gut with the first swing. Just as Joe was going for his second punch, Nick went for one too. Nick got Joe's nose, which I was sure I heard break, and Joe got Nick's eye. They both fell to the floor at the same time, their faces. I don't know when I had started screaming, but I was glad that Kevin, Frankie, Denise, and Paul weren't home. They would have all been worried sick. I stopped screaming, and ran around the couch to the motionless boys. I kneeled down by Joe first, I don't know why, but I did. Maybe it was because I thought his nose was broken, yeah that's it. "Joe, can you hear me?" I asked. I glanced over to see if Nick was watching me, but I could tell by the evenness in his breathing, that he was unconcious. I heard Joe groan in pain, and quickly turned back to him. "Joe? Joe can you hear me?" I repeated, propping his head up on my leg. "Yeah, I can hear you Michala" He said, his voice filled with pain. Joe looked up at me, and even though his hands were on his face I could tell he was smiling. "Are you okay?" I asked, stroking his hair. "I don't know, but my nose hurts" He stated. "Here let me see" I moved his hands away from his face. What I saw wasn't pretty.

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