Part 3

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Michala's pov

I woke up early the next morning, wide awake and exstatic for my day with the Jo. Bros. and their family. I rushed through my morning routine and ate breakfast in a total of five minutes. The limo arrived two whole hours after I finished getting ready. I ran outside after yelling a quick "See you tonight" to my parents. The driver opened the door and said " The boys are eager to see you again." " Really?" I asked. "Oh yeah, they have the whole day planned out" he answered " By the way, I'm Jeff" "Cool, well thank you so much Jeff, and if it counts I'm eager to see them too" I said blushing. "Well then we best be on our way" Jeff said smiling. "Okay lets go" I said. Then the door was shut and we were on the way to the Jonas mansion.

We reached the house in thirty five minutes and twenty five seconds, I was counting. It was totally lame for me to count, but I was just that excited. When the limo stopped it wasn't Jeff who openned the door, it was Kevin. "Hey Mick, it's nice to see you again" Kevin said blushing. "Uh.... nice to see you too..... Kev" I said after he gave me my new strange nickname. Then Kevin did something even more strange for just knowing me one night. HE HUGGED ME! It was a nice hug, soft and warm. But still, awkward. Then Nick and Joe came racing outside and Joe got to me first " Hey dork what are you doing here" Joe said hugging me. I pushed him away " That was nice, gosh your such a goof" I said, mad. " Make room for me" Nick said giving me a hug. God he is so sweet. " Hey Nick how are you?" I asked blushing. " I'm better, now that your finally here" He said smiling a brilliant white smile.

I hung out with the boys for hours. I listened to music with Nick for about an hour and a half. Then I checked out myspace with Kevin ,where he and I became myspace friends, for two hours. Then I play with Frankie for half an hour. "What about me?" Joe asked as we all went to Burger King for lunch. " Your next" I said smiling. I just knew he was going to have us attack one of his brothers. So Joe bought everyone lunch. Then we headed back to their house.

Joe's pov

I bought everybody lunch and as we ate I schemed about how Michala and I were going to attack Kevin. She is so pretty and funny and kind. I wonder why she is always so angry at me. Maybe I shouldn't have called her a dork. I was so stupid. If only I could tell her how I really feel. But of course, all of my brothers have a crush on her too, except Frankie. How could l possibly win her heart when Nick can sing to her, Kevin can teach her anything and all I can do is make her mad?

When we finally got back to our house I took her hand and ran her to the basement, where I grabbed the marshmallow guns. " Why do we have these?" she asked with her beautiful voice. " We are going to attack Kevin" I said mischeiviously. " How did I know" She said rolling her deep chocolate brown eyes. " Lets do this" I said loading my weapon. "Okay" she said laughing her sweet laugh. We snuck up the stairs and to the outside of Kev's room. I openned the door slowly and we jumped in and started shooting at him. He totally didn't exspect it. Michala was smiling and laughing when all of a sudden her amo ran out. " Ah hah" Kevin said grabbing her by the shoulders. I quit shooting. " Drop your weapon or the pretty girl gets it" Kevin said with an evil laugh. I dropped my gun and said " Okay give her back it's my turn Kev" " Fine" he answered.

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