Part 16

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Recap: Michala had a dream that Ben was trying to attack her.

Michala POV

I woke up from my dream in a confused daze. I just want to know why the boys keep saying that Ben is dangerous. Once I was fully awake I remembered that today was the day that we were going to France! I was so excited, but after last night I wasn't in any mood to celebrate with the boys. All of my stuff was already in the limo ,so I quickly threw on the outfit I had layed out the night before. On my way down to the lobby I heard girlish shreiks and other girls screaming about the Jonas Brothers. Once I got down to the lobby I saw the source of the noice, it was tons of teenage girls getting the autographs of the boys. As I entered the lobby everybody went silent. The boys turned around to look at me, and they deffinatly looked sad. Good they deserved it. I didn't let the silence and the faces staring at me bother me at all. I simply flipped my hair over my shoulder and walked straight out of the building and into the limo. I wish those girls would quit drooling over the boys, they aren't what they seem to be. After a while the Jonas family joined me in the limo. Only Frankie sat next to me and I was glad of that. "Michala, we are really sor-" Nick began, but I cut out his apollogy by quickly turning on my iPod and listening to it as loud as it went. The whole ride to the airport I listened to my iPod and avoided all eye contact with Joe, Kevin, and Nick. Once we got onto the private jet I sat with Frankie and we played cards the entire time.

I guess the silence on the plane must have started bugging Frankie because he was the first to talk. "So are you still mad at my brothers?" He asked. I nodded, not wanting to go on about the subject. After finishing the eleventh game of Go Fish, I relaxed in my seat and fell asleep. In the dream that I had I saw the three faces of the boys. Then Ben's face appeared and the boys' faces disappeared. I kept trying to look around Ben's face to find the boys' faces, but I couldn't find them. All I could see was Ben, then his face turned angry and it started to get closer. I woke up in a fright, just as we landed in France. I couldn't believe that I still hadn't talked to the boys, even though I really wanted to. Everybody was almost off the plane, so I grabbed my crutches and got off. Once I got in the limo I sat between Nick and Frankie. I chose to sit between those two because Frankie didn't do anything and Nick was really sorry. We reached the motel in silence then the boys brought my luggage up to my room and left. "Kids! We have to go to the concert!" Mrs.Jonas yelled down the hall. We all got to the concert with a little bit of talking here and there. Once we got backstage Ben came up to me. "Hey Ben!" I said kissing him square on the lips. "Hey, it's good to see you too" Ben said, kissing me on the cheek right in front of the boys. That's what they get for spying on me I thought. I looked over Ben's shoulder to see the boys staring at him in pure rage. They quickly looked away when they saw me looking at them. I felt soo evil at that moment, but it was worth it. "Michala, I'm too busy this week to go out with you so next week i'll take you on the best date of your life!" Ben said in a rush. "Okay" I said, kissing him again.

Just before the concert started Joe came up to me and said "Michala, I know that what my brothers and I did was wrong, but you can't keep avoiding us like this! Please forgive us!" I would have forgivin him right then and there but what he did was absolutely wrong. "No! You guys ruined my date!" I yelled back. "We didn't ruin your date! If Frankie wouldn't have told you we wouldn't be fighting!" Joe shouted. "Don't you dare blame Frankie" I said lowering my tone. "But-" Joe started but I cut him off. "Frankie was being honest with me, you should learn that from him. Plus if you three weren't so protective of me, I wouldn't hate you as much as I do now" I told him. Then I gripped my crutches and turned around and got away from him as fast as I could. It was only when I got to the bathroom and looked at my reflection, that I realized I was crying. I don't know how he could possibly blame Frankie like that. Joe makes me so........GRRRR!

Joe's POV

I am so upset. I can't believe I yelled at Michala. It was stupid to spy on her. The whole plane ride to France, I was thinking about how life would have been better if she had never met that Ben guy. I would get him fired but I can't even get rid of Ben as a crew member because Michala would never forgive me. I may not have proof that he is evil, but that doesn't mean he isn't. I didn't even realise I had just blamed Frankie for ruining her date until the words came out of my mouth. I regret it all, if I could rewind time, I would turn time backwards to when I had the chance to ask Michala out. The one thing I really want is to be with her forever. I want her to just fall into my arms and say she loves me, what if that actually happened... I may have the possibility to win her over, I mean we are in France. Maybe she will fall for me while we visit the Eiffel Tower next weekend....

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