"No you've got a mistake. I have till five." He says.

I try to stay calm and say,"Don't you wanna go two hours earlier? You'll still get paid." I say with a wicked smile.

"Sounds good to me." He says and he pushes back the chair and stands up.

"And aren't you a bit too young to be working here?" 

Like the cartoon programmers, Phineas and Ferb I reply with, "Yes, yes I am."

He shrugs and leaves the room, and seconds later Harry runs into the room and closes the door behind me and makes sure to lock it.

Much to my dislike he doesn't compliment me on the way I handled the man he just grabs the chair and sits down. I sit next to him and watch him as he works his way onto the computer.

He smirks and turns to me,"Looks like I went to my dad for nothing. This old cunt didn't lock the system so we have no problem with getting in." 

I grin as well and thank god in my head for how everything is going smoothly to our plan. I watch him as he starts clicking on various things and I kinda zone out as I keep on staring at the monitor in front of me. I begin to get bored so instead of focusing on the monitor  I get up and look out the window, and just stare out into the distance.

Harry doesn't acknowledge me as he keeps on working, but I'm thankful he knows how to deal with type of shit.

"Are you done?" I ask, bored out of my mind.

"Yeah one minute." He gets up from the chair but his feet don't move as he keeps on clicking with the mouse.

"Alright fine I'm done. Let's go." He mutters.

I step out first, and he locks the door behind us and we quietly walk our way out of this block.

"Now that that is done I can finally sleep well." I say.

"I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but yeah I agree." He says with a roll of eyes.

I shake my head in amusement as we step out into the cold again.

"Well see you whenever." He says giving me a nod.

"Wait, where are you going?" I ask surprised.

"Home." He simply replies.

"You don't live in dorms?" I ask surprised once again.

He chuckles,"Why the fuck would I do that when I can stay at home with my own room, kitchen, bathroom and everything else."

"Oh." I simply say.

"Why do you seem disappointed?" He asks raising his eyebrows

"I'm.. I'm not.. I just.. I just thought.." I try to put it in a sentence but I don't know how to say it as I feel very embarrassed.

"Spit it out." He snaps.

"I just thought you were gonna come back with me to my dorm." I mutter and look away to avoid any eye contact.

He chuckles,"Why do you want me to go back with you to your room and why did you even think of it?" 

"I don't know." I mutter as I glance at the ground.

"I would go to your room with you, because there are some fun things to do at night," I look up to seem him smirking as he goes on,"However I'm not wasting my time for nothing to drop you off." 

I roll my eyes and say,"Fine whatever."

"Have a good night." He yells from behind as I start walking.

Bandage the damage // Harry Styles AU //Where stories live. Discover now