Part Sixty-Eight: Handle It

Start from the beginning

"It's okay love." He touched the side of my face, rubbed my cheek with his thumb. "I know you're my Luna." He kissed my lips tenderly, his top lip between mine, and his bottom lip just below mine. I shivered at the feeling of his lips, and he pulled away as I shook, traced his thumb down the center of my bottom lip, the flesh tugging at my lip gently as my eyes stayed closed- just to feel the sensation more. I licked my lips and he pressed his lips to mine again; he pulled away and put his mouth close to my ear.

His hand played aimlessly with a long curl beside my cheek.

"Now... go upstairs and wait for me... and when I arrive I will show you how well I know..." He said calmly, his voice low and husky, but his face serious and stern.

I trembled. "Yes- Sir."


"We need to visit Alpha Rowan." Danny said, sighing at his desk, he ran his fingers through his hair. I walked closer, to sit on his desk, and he placed his heavy head on my lap.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, running my fingers through his hair. He sighed again.

"Yeah, but they're having a hard time with training, Rowan is trying to mourn and take care of his children, all while they are trying to expand. They're looking for guidance, and they've asked me to come help them for a few weeks. We have problems and faults of our own, but I feel an obligation to them, they are our allies, and we may need to call on them some day. The rogue pack hasn't attacked in weeks, and they're headed even further north, so we should be fine. I worry though, for our family... For you. How are you feeling? Do you think you can make the trip?" He looked up at me.

"Of course! I've been out of hospital for over a month now." I chuckled. He nodded.

"Like I said. I just worry-"

"You worry too much." I chuckled. "But... I- I think I should stay here." I said, with as much determination as I could muster. He sat up again, more worried, and frazzled looking than even before.

"No. I'm not leaving you here without me, I can't protect you-"

"And you don't need to. I need to be here. There needs to be order, and someone needs to protect our family." I declared, unwilling to backdown. He rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands as he groaned, I think he knows I'll argue right back if he protests.

"You're right- I don't like it- but you're right... I just hate the thought of leaving you... If something were to happen-"

"Then I can handle it. Nothing could stop me from protecting the pack. Nothing." I assured him.

"That's the problem..." He teased, worry still in his voice.


"Look- Owen- handle it okay? I have to finish what I'm doing here and go straight into leading training. So if you could just-"

"Alright! I got it Luna." Owen said, rolling his eyes as he left the kitchen.

"Hey!" I protested his defiant tone.

"My apologies Luna." Owen said, bowing with sarcasm, from the doorway.

"Yeah- you bet your ass." I growled at him as he left, not hearing my insult, but causing Rose to giggle as I braided her hair. "Lavender will you please braid Vi's hair." I asked her as she ate her sandwich. She groaned and stood up.

"Yes Luna..." She said unenthusiastically.

"Attitude Lavender." I warned, even though I had been trying to get on her good side for the past two weeks her brother has been gone. She still refused to talk to me outside of practice and orders, but I expected that. I've been trying to hold us all together, but I obviously don't do as well as Danny under the pressure. We've all been training hard, trying to keep up, be stronger than when he left, but it was finally taking its toll.

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