"Paisley... I know you're a nice person, and you like to make people happy... But can you answer a very serious question for me? And don't tell me things just to make me feel better, I need to know the truth." He asks, looking down at the baby and then moving back a couple steps as if he's afraid of Aaron. I frown and nod. "What's wrong Mikey?" I ask, upset to see him like this.

This shit is serious. I can tell just by his state.

"Well... I just feel like... Ugh I don't know. Am I- am I a good father Paisley?" He asks, my jaw drops and I almost burst out laughing at his absurd question.

"Of course Michael." I begin, actually starting to laugh. "You're an amazing father. What makes you think you're not?" I ask quietly, growing serious as I go closer to him and sit down with Aaron. He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair stressfully.

"I just feel like I'm a bad father... I mean- I just don't know how to do anything. I don't know how to care for babies at all, I never had siblings. And I constantly feel like I'm screwing up." He starts, looking extremely upset might I add. "I just want what's best for my little boy and I'm afraid that I'm not doing that." He whimpers. I shush him and let him rest his head on my shoulder.

"Michael... you're amazing. You know that? You aren't a bad dad at all, you're simply a new dad. Calum and Luke will go through the exact same thing when Ana and I have our babies. You aren't screwing up, you're just learning. Aaron is going to turn out fine- actually Aaron is going to turn out perfect. So don't you worry, you guys will be absolutely perfect." I say, feeling a little spark ignite when Michael smiles and raises his head higher. I love to see people smile. Especially if it's because of something I said or did.

"Thank you so much Paisley. That actually made a lot of sense." He laughs. I nod. "Anytime Mikey."

He looks down at the sleeping infant and smiles again for the fiftieth time this minute. "You ready to hold your son again Michael?" I ask, he nods his head and smooths out his clothes. I pass him Aaron and laugh when an even bigger grin makes its way onto his face.

"You're gonna do just fine Michael."


Damn paisley, back at it again with the mommy advice.

This Michael makes me so ughhhh. So cute, so precious, so pure, so kitten.



*Two and a half months later*

"Calum shut the hell up, I'm two weeks overdue and I'm pissed off." Ana says, causing Calum to instantly be quiet and sit down on the old hospital chair shamefully.

"Don't worry Calum, it's not your fault." I whisper, not wanting to anger Ana anymore, but also wanting to make sure Calum was okay. He's a very sensitive boy, kind of like Luke is. He nods as an acknowledgment and I pat his head.

"I'm going to take her for a walk, the doctor said its good to get some exercise, it will also help get the baby out of her." I say, waving goodbye to Calum and grabbing Ana's arm.

Due to prepping and such, the boys were all at the stadium they were going to be performing at, rehearsing. But Calum had been nervous for Ana, seeing as she's two weeks overdue and could give birth at any given moment. He vowed to stay with her until the baby was here, and even if she didn't have the baby today, it would be here tomorrow considering the doctors were planning on performing a c-section. Let's just say Ana is less than happy to potentially get her insides taken out tomorrow.

"Come on Ana, let's go get some pudding." I say, causing her mood to lift and her to nod. Pudding is her weakness.

"God I'm such a bîtch sometimes." She mutters, glancing back at Calum who is curled up reading some magazine. "No, you're just stressed. Don't worry about it." I say quietly, trying to make sure she doesn't have a break down.

We get down to the cafeteria within ten minutes, since pregnant women are not the fastest. I help Ana sit down, and I go to get her some pudding.

I hand the money to an older looking woman, who doesn't look very impressed with me getting six cups of pudding. But you never know how much I or Ana could want, we don't even know how much or what we could want. It's kind of unpredictable. (I'm lame, deal with it)

I take the pudding cups, smiling at the lady, even though she doesn't return it, and then head back to where I left Ana. When I spot her however, I can tell she's in a little bit of pain. Her eyes are clenched shut and she has her hands gripping the table so hard that her knuckles are white.

I rush over there, a million thoughts running through my mind as this happens.

"Ana are you okay?" I ask as I set the tray of pudding down. She breaths out, seeming to be better when I get there. "Yeah, I just got this massive cramp. It's the second one I've gotten since you left." She laughs humourlessly, grabbing a chocolate pudding cup and immediately digging into it.

"What?" I ask, completely baffled.

"Yeah, I know. It's really weird." She says.

"Ana are you sure those aren't contractions?" I ask, that seems to spark something and she gasps.

"Now that you say that I think you're- ahh fuck." She says, dropping the cup onto the table and clutching the table again. These are definitely contractions.

"Oh my god. Okay." I say, beginning to panic but regaining my calmness. "I'm going to get you a wheel chair. Stay right here." I tell her once her contraction is over. She nods frantically and gathers up all the pudding cups. Typical pregnant woman.

I get up quickly and walk as fast as I can to where a bunch of wheel chair lay. I grab the first one I can and then wheel it back to Ana. After lowering her onto it and passing her the puddings, I walk as quickly as possible towards the waiting room where Calum was.

I manage to do so in a record time of five minutes, instead of the ten it took us both to walk down there. It's amazing what you can do when you're panicked.

When I got to the waiting room, Ana had just begun another contraction. I yelled to Calum, despite the 'no yelling' rule. His head spun faster to face me than the girl in the exorcist. He got up and sprinted to us, making sure to get a couple doctors attentions as he did so.

"Oh my fûcking God. This is actually happening." He laughs, happy tears gathering in his eyes as he grasps Ana's hand and kisses her cheek. "We're going to be parents." He finishes.

Little did I know that Luke and I would also be parents that day.


Okay, I'm leaving it there. I thought I would give you guys an extra long chapter cause I lava you. <3

Eleven votes for next chapter???


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