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I was tagged by ashton_styles to do this thingy. All you gotta do is say 13 facts about yourself, answer the 13 questions I asked you, then come up with another 13 questions and tag 13 people to answer the questions. If you have any questions about how to play just comment then and I'll tell you.

13 facts about me:
1. I'm the oldest of twelve kids.
2. My mom had me at 16.
3. I'm 14 turnin 15 in September but I just say I am 15 cause I forget that I'm still 14.
5. I have two brothers on my moms side, seven on my dads side, and the rest are my step parents kids.
6. 5SOS, TØP, The Killers, The Offspring, Green Day, Mayday Parade, Panic! At The Disco, All Time Low, Fallout boy, and Good Charlotte are my life.
7. I am bipolar.
8. I am bisexual.
9. I have a belly button piercing because when I was thirteen I went to British Columbia with my mom and she got drunk and let me get one. Great parenting 😂
10. I am a dog person and I have a chocolate lab named Peyton.
11. I have really curly brown hair and brown eyes.
12. I am half Trinidadian.
13. I thought I was pregnant when I was seven because I held hands with a boy while playing ring around the Rosie.

That was weird... Anyways, to the Answers!


1. Black, if that counts as a colour.
2. I am 14
3. I would definitely want to go to Australia, that has been my life goal for like eveerrrrrr.
4. All time favourite band is probably 5SOS tbh.
5. I would probably bring back Michael Jackson just cause he's amazeballs.
6. I play guitar, drums, and piano.
7. My favourite store is some weird name that I can't spell, but it sells band merch so basically hot topic except I don't have hot topic in Canada unfortunately.
8. Calum good is definitely daddy material to me. I am in Calum's lane so hard right now and have been since the start.
9. I would change my name to Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock. (If you get this reference I love you)
10. Pringle, so like single but hungry. Like 24/7. I'm always hungry.
11. I only wear glasses for seeing the board in class cause I sit in the back of the room where nobody looks where I'll be with my imaginary boyfriend Calum, cause I won't be reading books. (I'm sorry I need help)
12. CALL OF DUTY: BLACK OPS 3 is my shît. Or Left 4 Dead 1 or 2, I can't decide which I like more.
13. I can't decide what my favourite book on wattpad is, I've read so many in such little time that I don't even know lol.

My questions for you:

1. What is your favourite book. It doesn't have to be one on wattpad.
2. What is your full name?
3. What is your Favourite band/s?
4. What is your Favourite member of that band/s?
5. One thing you would change about yourself?
6. What is your Favourite song?
7. What is your Least favourite song?
8. Are you Single or taken?
9. What is your age?
10. Do you have Any siblings?
11. What is your biggest pet peeve?
12. What is your biggest turn off?
13. Who is your favourite internet friend?

Hemmotran coolrobot4102 hairdye-muke anikahayze virgiinmary MissxAtomicxBomb cupofcalmdown AshsKinkyMilk69 justmine_luver_143_ _bellatorem_ Bethdm01 ButUrNotLUKEHEMMINGS 5SecondsOfTroye

Tagged random, don't feel pressured to do it though.

Sitting at 666 words cause I'm Satan.

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