The Plan

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We were excited about the results.
"This wasn't that hard. Isn't it, guys?", Sudo said confidently.
"Maybe only for you, Future Prof. Sudo.", Jeet said smirking. "For me it was hard as hell.", Jeet continued.
"Well for me it was average.", Sid said.
"Ah! Let's not talk about it guys.", I said al because it was realy hard for me too as it was for Jeet.
"Cool. So how is your princess?", Sid asked denoting Kriti by the word 'princess'.
"Well she is with Arjun in their hotel rooms, maybe.", I said making a guess. I hadn't talked to her since the morning.
"Seriously? In the same room?", Sid screamed with bug round eyes.
"Nothing like that to get worried. I added 's' in the end of the word 'room', so I guess it means different rooms.", I said in a calm tone. Continueing, I said, "And anyways, even if they would be in the same room, Kriti would have kicked Arjun's ass if he tried to... Understand."
"Yeah, I got it.", Sid said with a smile of relief.
Others giggled.
Sid wanted to spend some time Alia but she was busy  with her phone.
"Anyways, Alia do I need to be your fake boyfriend again? Hope everything is good with you two.", I said teasing.
"Huh? Shut up! Everything is good. Just found my old friend online after a lot of days, so was busy chatting with her.", Alia said typing.
"Well how was your test?", I asked again. Jeet, Sudo and Lucky were busy with their own gossip.
"Huh? Um. It was quite well.", Alia said unconsciously, still typing on her phone.
Sid smiled at me and I smiled back.
"You wanna have something, baby?", Sid asked Alia. Well the word 'baby' made me quite jealous. 'Cause afterall Alia was my girlfriend before. And even if you possess hate for your 'ex' and even if you love somebody else desperately, somehow you get jealous if someone else gets close to your 'ex'. Afterall, you can never forget the past, even though you forget people.
But I stood calm and kept on smiling.
"Yup, let's visit the cafeteria, and have breakfast there. I didn't had anything since the morning.", she said finally locking her phone.
"Same here. Jeet, Sudo and Lucky, you wanna join?", I said interrupting in their gossip.
"Huh?", Jeet said turning to me along with the two of them.
"Where?", Lucky asked.
"Aren't you guys hungry? We are going to the café.", Sid said.
"Oh! Yes! I'm hungry.", Sudo said heading to the café, pushing Jeet and all of us aside.
"Let's go.", Lucky and Sid said in sync.
"Yup.", I said walking to the café.
Suddenly there was a 'beep' in my jeans' pocket. It was my phone in vibrate mode. I stopped signalling others to move ahead. I took out my phone and saw that it was Kriti's call. I recieved it.
"Hey, babe.", I said as I put the earpiece on my right ear.
"Hey, Varun. I'm so sorry, I should had called you in the morning. I couldn't even wish you a good luck.", Kriti asked for apology.
"No. It's totally okay, sweetheart. Your wishes are always with me. Isn't it?", I said leaning on the railing of the corridor, trying to cheer Kriti up.
"Uh! Thank god! Anyways how was your test?", she asked.
"Well it was pretty well. Where are you now?", I said trying to change the topic, as the test was really hard for me.
"I'm in my room.", she said.
"He left for Mumbai. His is done in Dehradun. He won't be back now.", she said, and I nearly jumped off the railing due to happiness.
"Seriously? I wasn't so happy ever vefore as I am now."
"You know what's the date today?"
"Um. Shit! I forgot."
"April fool! It's first of April.", she screamed on the phone and started laughing.
I was stunned for a moment. And then angrily said, "This isn't funny."
"You are so scared of Arjun.", she giggled.
"No I'm not.", I was about to end the call.
"Oh! Arjun, hi.", she said, in a low voice.
I stood quite.
"It's Varun.", she continued.
I heard a low voice, "Let 'e' 'ta'", I couldn't here anything more than that.
"Hello, Varun.", it was Arjun's voice.
"Hi.", I said confused.
"Well gow did you get Kriti's number?", he asked.
"Um. Actually, she was a student in St. Teresa's so...", I was about to explain him.
"I got it. Well wanna join us today?", he said. By his tone, I could say he was calm and nothing was going wrong.
"Um. But where?", I asked.
"Ah! Yeah, sure.", I said.
"So meet us in the hotel at 2 sharp.", he said.
"Cool. Bye."
"Bye.", he hung up the call.
I was worried 'cause Kriti had saved my number by the name of 'love' in her phone. Hope he wouldn't notice it.
"Where are you, man?", I jumped as the voice punched my eardrums.
I turned back at once and saw that it was Sid.
"What? I'm right here.", I said trying to calm down.
"Cool. Let's go.", he said putting his hands around my shoulders and pulling me to the café.
"Everything is OK?", he asked looking at my worried face.
I remained quite and as I reached the café I saw my friends and sat with them. Sid came along. I saw that all were having their coffee and there were two coffee filled cups on the table.
"Bro. Are you okay?", Sid asked me again.
I narrated them the whole story. Everybody's coffee was finished by then.
"I've got an idea to make Arjun dislike Kriti!", Jeet said smiling cunningly.
"What?", we all said in sync, with curious eyes.
"Let's say that Kriti is a bad girl and all the bad but fake facts, to Arjun about Kriti.", he said.
"Shut up! He won't believe any of that.", I said losing hope.
"But we can make someone more better than Kriti in his view.", Sid came up with his own plan.
"What?", I asked confused.
"I've a friend, Priyanka. She could help you in this.", Sid said taking out his phone.
"But what is it?", I was still confused.
"Stupid! I meant that we could make Arjun fall for Priyanka, so automatically he would leave Kriti.", Sid explained.
"But the girl needs to be better.", I said.
"You haven't seen her, bro. She is amazingly stunning.", Sid said. And Alia punched him on his right arm.
We giggled.
"This would be interesting.", I smiled.
"Can I talk to her?", I asked.
"You go and have lunch with Kriti nd Arjun. I will talk to Priyanka. And from tomorow we can start our plan.", Sid said.
"Where is she?", I asked.
"She lives in Dehrahdun, itself.", Sid said.
The waiter brought the bill. I and Jeet paid for everyone.
We left the café.

Hey friends! I know this is too late for an update. And maybe some of you have already forgotten the story. But I couldn't help it. I had to appear 10th's final exams. And I guess all of you know that how much pressure you are given by your teachers and parents for better marks in this exams. And also how important is this exam.
I am so sorry for updating late. But now I really promise you all to update as soon as possible, 'cause my exams have ended.
And hope you all accept my apology and enjoyed the chapter.
Vote and share it please! Also do comment.
Bye! Love you all! xx

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