The Car Conversation

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I felt that I was the most unluckiest guy in the whole world. Arjun and Kriti were sitting at the back seat which made me look like their driver. And somewhere I had that feeling too, that I was their driver.
If only Kriti wasn't in the car, I would have crashed it somewhere and kill Arjun.
Suddenly, some body tapped my shoulders from back. I so wished that it was Kriti. Well more than wishing that it was Kriti, I wished it wasn't Arjun.
But as my wishes never are heard, even this time, it was Arjun. I looked back taking the car slow.
"Bro, stop right there.", he said pointing at a small street shop in the left of the road. I turned forward, drove the car a bit more and after reaching the shop I stopped it.
Arjun got out of the car. Maybe he had to buy something from their.
I turned back to Kriti, "Kriti, what's this? No calls, no anything. Why?". I said making a funny, puppy face.
She lightly hugged me from the back and kissed my left cheek.
"I'm sorry, I had to give time to Arjun.", Kriti said.
"And me?", I said like a homeless child.
"I couldn't. And I know, even if I won't give you time you will understand my problem. You won't be like Arjun.", she said. And that was the weakest point, she could mentally hit me on.
I couldn't say anything, cause at least she was telling me better than Arjun. I couldn't argue, and make myself worst one.
"Fine.", I gave up and sighed, turning forward.
"Awe, my sweetheart!", she tightly pinched both my cheeks from behind and started pulling them one by one. After that, I felt so dizzy, as my head went side to side for nearly ten times.
"Anyways, I didn't know that's also the house of your dad and you. I didn't see your dad anywhere.", she said.
"You know my dad?", I said shocked.
"Yes. Of course. Who doesn't? Isn't he the half share proprietor of St. Teresa?", she asked, as to reconfirm.
"Yeah. But have you seen him?", I asked.
"Yes. Maybe twice. And as you know I am a genius, I can remember a face by seeing it twice.", she teased the moment.
"Have you forgotten that I had to remember a face for a year? Even if I had seen it for just three days.", I teased her.
"Oh common! I too had to remember. As if I had thousands of your pictures pasted on my room's walls.", Kriti said getting irritated.
"What? You haven't done it yet?", I said shocked.
"What haven't I done?", Kriti asked confused.
"Paste my pictures in your room's wall. You are so irresponsible. Don't you know, every Indian girlfriend does that. And it is said, who don't do it, there boyfriend never becomes their. Hell! That means, you don't want me.", I said making a sad face and controlling my laughter. I knew, that she did know only a very less about India and Indian relationships, so I just teased her.
"What? Really? I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't know that. I will do it as soon as I reach America. But you know that there's Arjun. I can't do it Arjun is my fiancé. Hope you understand. But...", she started giving me explanations, for the fault she had done but wasn't needed at all. I looked at her face, she seemed so worried. I couldn't control my laughter, and ended up bursting into a laughter.
She glared at me. "What? Why are you laughing?", she made a silly face.
"Your face while explaining...", I slowly stopped laughing.
"What my face?", she said confused.
"Awe. My cute and innocent princess. I just fooled you.", I said and again burst out laughing.
She threw some small thing on me. I didn't bother what was it, when suddenly Arjun entered the car.
"Let's go!", Arjun said, closing the door.
"What happened? Why are you angry?", I could hear Arjun whispering.
"Nothing.", Kriti said harshly.
"Fine.", Arjun said.
Hell! How could he leave her that way? She said 'Nothing'. But that didn't meant nothing. He can't even try to mend her heart, how would he mend her heart then. Not even a try? Hell! He is ridiculous!, I thought.
None of us talked to each other, until we reached near St. Teresa.
"Take right.", Arjun said, as if I was his driver. I hate him so much.
I turned the steering following the way. I knew the way to their hotel, but acted as if I didn't.
"Stop right here.", Arjun said taping my shoulders.
I pressed the break.
"Kriti, where's your ring?", suddenly Arjun asked.
I turned back. Kriti looked at her hand. She had no ring in her beautiful fingers.
"I was wearing it. Oh no! How did it get lost?", Kriti said hesitantly.
"Oh fish!", Arjun gasped.
"I think I lost it in Varun's home.", Kriti said starring at me.
"No. You didn't cause when I was about to get out of the car to buy a cigarette, it was right there.", Arjun said when I remembered that Kriti had thrown something on me.
It could be that ring.
"Search! It must be some where inside this car.", Arjun said switching on the lights of the car and looking here and there.
"Search it. Varun, please help. Keep on

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