The Soulmate (Daniel and Austin)

Start from the beginning


I went down the stairs carefully trying not to fall this time. I stood on the last step and looked around but Daniel was nowhere to be found. I sighed. It had stopped snowing at nine in the morning but it was still freezing cold. I took a step but slipped the same thing that happened this morning strong arms held me from behind. I closed my eyes and when I opened them his deep eyes were staring back at mine. He smiled.

"I thought I told you not to fall." He said putting me down.
"Well it seems I can only find you when I'm in danger." I said brushing off my jacket. He took my hand.
"Well it's a good thing I'm always around." He smiled. I blushed a bit. His hands were so warm and soft. Mine were freezing.
"I guess..." I smiled slightly. "Where is your car?" I asked curiously.
"Let me take you there..." He smiled kindly. He began to lead me to his car. A nice looking one I might add. He opened the door for me. "Ma 'Lady." He smiled. I got in and he closed the door, he went over to his side and got in. He turned on the car and the radio with it. He put on a Coldplay CD the X&Y one. The music was soft and nice. He drove off to the local cemetery. I stared out the window watching the trees and house go by.

"Do you mind if I ask how did they pass away?" He whispered making me look at him. His eyes were locked on the road.
"They died in a fire..." I sighed. "My house caught fire... they died, I survive." I said looking out the window.
"I'm... sorry..." He sighed. "But sorry doesn't make it any better... I should know, my parents died five years ago." He said and I stared at him he was frowning. " month. They died in a car accident..."
"I didn't know... I'm sorry." I said looking at him carefully.
"It's fine..." He forced a smile.
"That's a lie..." I said frowning.
"What do you want me to say then?" He frowned.
"I... don't know..." I whispered looking out the window. We arrived in a short amount of time to the cemetery. I got out and he did as well. I began to walk to my parent's grave... I remembered the day of their funeral my family was gathered there it was snowing and I stood alone in front of their grave tears streaming down my face but no one consoled me. Some of the people that surrounded me began to nudge each other and point at me whispering. Everyone since that day in family looked at me with pity. That's why I don't cry in front of people anymore. I try not to cry at all.

I could hear his footsteps behind me and as I got closer to the grave the grief inside of me began to grow. I got that strange feeling I got when I was about to cry but I tried my hardest to keep it in. And then I stood in front of it.


Hope Anderson Beloved Mother

Alex Anderson Beloved Father

May the Gates of Heaven welcome you with the chorus of a thousand angels.

Read the plaque. As I read it I couldn't hold the tears anymore and let the fall. Sooner than I expected I broke down crying in front of it falling on my knees and sobbing violently. I couldn't take it; I've been holding it for way too much. I hid my face with my hands and cried into them. I felt Daniel kneel besides me putting one of his arms around me pressing me to him. He was warm. I looked at him a bit through tears he wasn't looking at me with pity he was just staring at the ground seriously. He glanced at me and smiled painfully. I hugged him tightly and cried on his shoulder. I felt his arms as he held me tighter. He stroked my hair and he let me cry and maybe that's what I needed.

"Everything's going to be fine now Austin... I promise..." He whispered softly into my ear and those words made me calm down a little. I stopped sobbing and eventually tears stopped coming. He kissed the top of my head and looked at me in the eyes.

"It's a shame I didn't get to know them..." He whispered.

"Yeah... They would've liked you." I smiled slightly whipping my tears. He helped me stand up but I didn't want for him to leave my side so I took his hand. I looked at him to see his reaction and he simply smiled and entwined fingers with me. I looked down at the grave. "I miss you guys..." I whispered. "Hope its better out there..." I smiled slightly. Daniel pulled me to him our arms were pressed together and our fingers tightly entwined. A small snow flake fell down on the grave. I looked up and snowflakes kept falling on us. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Let's go..." Danni whispered kissing my cheek. I nodded and we both headed back to his car. We both got in. He turned on the engine and the heater. The CD kept playing.

"Thanks..." I smiled slightly at him.
"No problem... anytime..." He said smiling sweetly looking at me.
"Um... would you like to go to my place for hot chocolate?" I asked smiling at him.
"I would love too." He said and drove off. "Where do you live?"
"Um... nearby in a Happy Valley" He nodded and kept driving. I looked out the window and I heard Daniel sing softly to my favorite song Fix You by Coldplay. His voice was smooth and angelic like. I smiled to myself and watched as the snow slowly covered everything. Sooner than I would've liked we arrived my place. We both got out and I opened my house. I hang my coat in the hooks and my hat and so did Daniel. "Can you start the fire in the living room while I make the hot chocolate?"
"Sure..." He smiled and went to the living room and began to work on the fire. I went to the kitchen and made hot chocolate, I also brought some cookies I had made yesterday. I went to the living room and Daniel was sitting down on the sofa staring at the fire. I put the tray with cookies and hot chocolate on the table. I sat down next to Daniel, I handed him his hot chocolate.

"Thanks..." He said as he took a slurp from the hot chocolate. I took a slurp from my chocolate too. He put his arm around me pressing me to him. There was something about him that made me feel safe and happy. I rested my head on his shoulder. I stared at the fire. "This is nice..." He whispered as he kissed my cheek and I blushed.
"The chocolate?" I asked smiling. He chuckled.
"Yeah...but the company is much better." He whispered. I smiled and blushed. Then there was silent and the only sound you could hear was the fire roasting the wood and the slurping of the hot chocolate. We both set the mugs on the table. "Can I have a cookie?" He said smiling.
"Yeah sure..." I said and took one for him.
"Feed me." He smiled brightly.
"You're insane." I laughed and he shrugged. I hold the cookie in front of his mouth and he took a bite out of it.
"Mm, mm... It's so good."
"Well I made them." I smiled.
"You're a good cook." He said and took the cookie with his mouth and ate it. He licked his lip. "So good..." He said. I looked at him smiling and he looked back at me staring into my eyes. "There's something about you... It's like... I already know you..." He furrowed his eyebrows. I smiled.
"I know exactly what you mean..." I smiled as he placed his hand on my cheek. I felt butterflies in my stomach; I've never felt this way before. He leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips. It was amazing. I kissed back shyly not knowing what to do. He broke the kiss slowly and stared into my eyes. His smile was kind, his eyes had a sparkle in them and the blush in his cheek; he looked so cute. I had never smiled the way I was smiling like now.

"Austin... I don't know if this is to forward but I swear I've never felt this way before... and I think... I love you." He said hugging me and hiding his face in my hair making me smile.
"I love you too, Daniel..." He pulled back and looked at me. He smiled.
"Be mine?"
"I already am yours..." I said kissing his nose.

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