Secret Admirer (2) (Mason and Robin)

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"I think it's creepy." My friend, Maeva, said. I held the heart-shaped note close to me and leaned against the lockers. "I think it's cute." For the past couple of weeks, I've been getting notes from a secret admirer and they just seemed to touch my heart. They weren't the stalker type notes, they were the poetic and deep notes that can melt every girls heart, counting mine. I've just been dying to know who this person was and I was determined to find out.

"I thought by now this secret admirer would suck it up and show his true self, but no. He just has to keep being all mysterious." Maeva said, shutting her locker. "I don't know, I like mysterious." I answered, looking over the note. "You're weird. " Maeva said. I smiled. "And that's why you love me." Maeva chuckled and we both walked down the halls. As we walked, I noticed all kinds of Valentines Dance posters plastered all over the walls. I just hoped that I could get lucky and a guy could ask me, but I doubted it. "Can we sit here?" Maeva looked up and saw her boyfriend Roman and a cute guy standing next to him. "Sure." I said happily, making room for them to sit. The guys both sat down, the cute guy across from me. "So, how's life been for you?" Maeva asked Roman. "Really, that the best you got?" Roman asked Maeva. "What, you got something better?" And they just went at it, back and forth. I completely tuned them out and turned my attention to the cute guy who was quiet.

"So, what's your name?" I asked him nicely. "Mason." He answered shyly. "Are you going to the dance tomorrow night?" I asked him, trying to get him to talk more. He shook his head. "I don't have a date to go with." Then an idea clicked in my head. "You can come with me, Roman and Maeva. We can just all go as a group." I suggested to him. "No, it's fine." He answered. "Oh, come on Mason. It'll be fun. We're going to have a blast." I said, all happy like. Mason looked up at me and smiled. "Really?" He asked me. I nodded in response. "Okay." I grinned and patted his arm, "It's going to be one hell of a night."

When I walked up to my locker, I noticed a heart-shaped note taped to it. I smiled in joy and ripped it off, quickly unfolding it and reading it.

My dearest Robin,
You make my heart beat a thousand miles a minute. I wish I could tell you who I am, but I always get nervous and I just chicken out. Pathetic, I know but I just want to let you know that you are always on my mind and there is not a moment where I don't think about you. To me, you are absolutely perfect. Just absolutely beautiful. I think I've fallen for you. Hard. Hopefully, I will tell you who I am. Until then. . .

-xoxo Your Secret Admirer

I smiled like an idiot and held the note to my heart. 'I think I've fallen for you.' Just by the notes he sends me, I think I've fallen for him too.

"That's actually really cute." Maeva responded from my closet as I finished reading her the note. I smiled and folded it back up. "See, I told you." I said to her as she came out of the closet holding a dress in front of her. "Definitely not for the dance." I commented on the dress. She sighed and went back to the closet. "What if your secret admirer is at the dance?" Maeva asked. "I don't even know what he looks like." I responded to her. "What if he turns out to be extremely hot?" She asked. "Lucky me then." I smiled and jumped slightly on my bed. "How about this?" Maeva asked, coming back from the closet, another dress in front of her. I smiled at her second choice. "I love that." I commented. She smiled and looked down at the dress. "You think it's cute on me?" She asked. "For sure." I answered honestly. Maeva smiled and hurried off to my bathroom to change. I picked up the Aqua knee length dress that I already chosen and changed.

"Not going to lie, but I think we're the nicest people here." Maeva and I joked around as we both stood in the crowded gym. "For real." She agreed and we both just burst into a fit of laughter. Just when that happened, a slow song came on. Roman came up to Maeva, placed a hand I front of her and asked her to dance. I watched them twirl around the room, wishing to be as lucky as my best friend. Suddenly, someone pocked my shoulder. I quickly turned around and looked into Mason's gorgeous eyes. "Hey!" I greeted him. He smiled and held out his hand. "May I have this dance?" He asked me. I smiled and happily accepted. We both walked to middle of the 'dance floor' and Mason rested his hands on my hips, while mine were flowed around his neck. "Are you enjoying this dance?" Mason asked me, smiling at me. "Yeah, I am. What about you?" I asked him. "I am now." He responded. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him. "What do you mean?" I asked him. He sighed and he looked nervous. "Robin, I've been meaning to tell you something for a long time." I listened closely as he continued to speak. "I've had a crush on you for awhile now but I never had the courage to ask you. That's why I wrote note and poems to you. It was the only way that I can really express my feeling towards you. I don't know, I guess I-" I caught him off with a kiss. He eased up and pulled me even closer to him. We both pulled away, completely in joy. "You like me?" He asked. "How could I not?" I asked him with a grin. He seemed relieved and he kissed me again. Of course I kissed him back. The night went on and we all had an amazing night.

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