Chapter Thirty Nine

Comenzar desde el principio

"Well hurry up now." I say, but they still don't make a move to come, they simply smile awkwardly at the crowd of patient teens. I sigh, let's try a different attempt.

"Michael! Jocelyn's about to give birth in the parking lot hurry the hell up." I yell, unfortunately the mike's catch that and soon enough the entire stadium is cheering loudly for michael.

"W-what?" He gasps, letting his guitar fall downwards, luckily being caught by the strap.

"Come on, you're going to be a dad!" I whisper, grabbing his hand and waving to the crowd. They cheer louder and I pull the half-zoned-out Michael off the stage and into the building.

"We need to go quickly." I say to Michael, and instantly, I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. They scoop me up into bridal style, carefully though because of my belly. I turn to face my knight in shining armour and smile when Luke looks back at me.

"You know, this was wayyy easier when you weren't six months pregnant." He breaths, walking with me quickly down the hallway with Michael at our side. I gotta hand it to him, he may look like a breadstick, but he's actually quite strong. It's not exactly easy to carry a hundred and ninety pound person at this pace, well technically it's two people, but you get my point.

When we get to the dark parking lot, I can faintly see the outline of Jocelyn and the other girls, they are getting on the tour bus right now.

"Luke you can put me down now." I say, laughing when he sighs in relief. He sets me down when we get to the door and instantly pushes Michael inside the bus. He looks stunned, I would be too if my girlfriend was going to be having a baby soon.

Luke then helps me up the stairs and walks over to the front seat. "Alright I'm going to drive this thing." He mumbles to himself, looking at the unfamiliar seating, I laugh and walk over to Jocelyn who seems to have just gotten over another contraction.

"Please just get this fûcking bus going." Jocelyn yells, clutching onto the edges of the wheelchair. Luke nods while turning a ghostly white, probably the nerves again.

He turns the bus on and starts moving, while the rest of us are huddled around Jocelyn, praising her for being so strong about this so far.

"Oh my fucking God, Jo. We're gonna have a baby." Michael says, slightly tearing up as he strokes her arm up and down in a soothing manner.

"I know Mikey, I know." She smiles, though the tears are already streaming down her face. I'm not sure whether it's from happiness or pain, but I think it's a combination of both.

Four hours later...

As I lay my head on Luke's chest and nervously play with his fingers, I can't help but think of Jocelyn. What she is going through right now is what I am going to go through, and what Ana is going to go through. It's amazing but scary all in the same. She seemed like she was in intense pain, but not even that could stop the smile on her face as she held Michaels hand and got pushed into the emergency room.

"Luke what time is it?" I ask quietly, intertwining our fingers and nuzzling my head closer to his neck.

"The same time it was when you asked twenty five seconds ago babe." He chuckles, kissing the top of my head. I frown, I'm so impatient sometimes.

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" I ask, trying to pass time with questions that will occupy me. "Theirs or ours?" He asks, I shrug. "Both." I answer. 

"Well.. Michael always seemed to be the kind that would have a boy first. So I think they're going to have a boy. As for us... I don't really care. As long as my baby is healthy, it doesn't matter the sex." He says quietly, almost at a whisper in the eerily silent halls of the hospital. I smile, my mind drifting off a little as I think back to high school.

"You wanted a girl." I say out loud, not realizing until Luke shifts and turns to face me. "What?" He asks.

"Remember that time in the car, back in high school. You said that you would take care of 'her' even if it wasn't yours. You said you wanted a girl." I say, the memory flooding back and a smile creeping up on my face. "You were so worried. But you cared so much." I say, giggling a little. He blushes at my words and buries his head in my neck. "Yeah. I remember now." He mumbles.

"Has that changed?" I ask. He shakes his head. "No, I think a little girl would be nice. She would be just like you. I'd have her dressed in little tutus and converse and shirts that say cheesy things like 'daddy's little angel' or something. I'd protect her from the world." He rambles, I almost shed a tear at the thought of how amazingly adorable that would be. Lukey and his little girl. (I just fangirled a little)

"But then I think of a little boy and how awesome it would be go have a little mini me running around. He'd wear his little sports shirts and converse, we'd play football together and I'd take him everywhere he wanted to and teach him how to talk to girls and-"

"Bro you don't even know how to talk to girls." Calum states, laughing lightly. I giggle at this.

"Shut up Calum, neither do you, anyways... It would be amazing either way, all I want is a healthy baby and a healthy Paisley. Those two things would make me the happiest man alive." He says, I kiss his cheek, completely moved by his words. He's honestly the greatest thing ever.

I look forward again for the billionth time today, towards the room where Josie and Mikey are currently in. This time however, I sprung up from my spot, finally seeing what I want.

"Michael!" I yell, smiling when I see him exit the room, a huge smile also covering his face. Luke and the rest of the gang follow my movements, running towards the now black haired boy.

"It's a boy." He says, smiling so widely and happily that I swear it went from ear to ear.

"Awe, congrats!" I say enthusiastically, giving him a huge hug. We all congratulate him and give him hugs, that's when Calum asks the question all of us wanted to know the answer to. "Do you have a name yet?" He asks.

"Aaron. Aaron Carter Clifford." Michael replies proudly. "You can come see him if you'd like. But only two people at a time." He says, we all grow excited over this. I grab Luke's hand, intertwining it in my own and follow Michael back inside the room. I feel special that he picked us first.

When i spot Jocelyn, I rush to her side, immediately engulfing her in a tight but soft hug. "Congratulations Josie." I say happily. Her eyes light up as she looks behind me and I also turn to face them. There stood Michael, holding the most adorable baby I've seen.

"Welcome to the world my little prince." Michael coo's.


It happened omfg. YAY FOR BABIES!!

Anyways.. I have a deal to make you beautiful people... If the last chapter can get 15 votes and this one can get 10 (*gasps*) I will do a double update...

Thank you for reading.


The Girl In The Front (l.h)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora