"Yeah it's fine. More time with Caitlin before you all go."


"Alright well all of our stuff is in the car already so I guess we just wait until everyone is ready."

I watched Caitlin resting her head on Josh's shoulder. Lachlan had laid himself across Michael. While Michael was playing one handed while stroking Lachlan's hair. At least that's what it looked like.

"Is this annoying you Lachy?"

"No. It's relaxing. Except for when he forgets that he is playing with one hand and starts button mashing on my head."

"Sorry about that."

We all laughed a little. I looked over to Vikk and he looked a bit upset.

"You right there Vikk?"

"Yeah fine."

He stormed off to his room and I heard it slam behind him.

"Not going to lie. I feel like if we leave now. It will make it easier to get out without him clicking in."

"He is going to click in eventually. But he needs to get over you mate."

"I'm surprised Christian hasn't said anything."

"He hasn't been over here."

"Lewis offered him to move in as well. But he said he wanted to stay in his own place. Apparently he is streaming a lot. And he said he didn't want to bother us."

"He wouldn't though."

"I don't know. I'm not really going to question it."

"Alright. Is everyone ready to go."

A chorus of Yeah was heard in the room. With one no. I turned around and watched Simon walk up to me and wrap me in his arms.

"I'm going to have to go eventually. And you can come and see me whenever you want."

"I know. But I don't want you to go."

"I already have everything in the car or at the new place. So I'm going to have to go. Come on let's all go so I can get this done with."

"You want to leave?"

"No. But if I just walk out now it will make it easier to go and leave Simon here."

I heard him sob behind me.

"I finally have you and your going again."

"At least I'm only going an hour away. And not Eleven thousand kilometres."

"True. Fine. I'm ok. I'll be fine. Good bye Liam. I'll see you soon ok?"

"You better. If you think I'm letting you not see me you have another thing coming."

He kissed me slowly. Deep with passion. Damn this guy was amazing.

Caitlin's POV

We all piled into the car. Michael having to sit in the front obviously. It was an exciting idea. Simon and Vikk hadn't seen the new place. Vikk for the general reason. Simon just didn't want to come.

"So Simon has been upset a lot lately."

"Yeah yeah I know. He's just upset that after a while he finally has me in Britain. And now I'm leaving him to move to a new place. It's fucking adorable that he cares so much about me."

"And you?"

"I really like him. But I think I'd rather go on another date with him. He is really open and loving and I like that. But I want to know what he doesn't like. What he hates. So I can make sure to not do those things."

"It's All In The Past." (GRA) *In Edit*Where stories live. Discover now