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Preston's POV

I had a feeling they might have believed me. They didn't decide to go back and see him. Which I guess is a vote of confidence. So why did I still feel like shit.

Preston – What are you doing?

Rob – Just sitting in the room. I don't know what to do.

Preston – Well I'm going to go with the boys to lunch. I would have invited you but I ran into Lachlan and Jay in the hall way. They asked for the whole pack to come down. But right now. I don't think it would be good with you there. Not while everyone else is here.

Rob – So your not even going to invite me to something the whole pack is attending?

Preston – You said yourself you still didn't trust Jay or Lachlan. You said you have damn near nothing but hatred for Lachlan. I think you need to grow up and realise how stupid your being.

I put my phone into my pocket as we turned into the diner. I looked around at the rest of the boys. Mitch was sitting with Vikk while Jerome was hugging Michael.

"Is there a time when your not hugging Micky?"

"Nope. He's my favourite."

"Shots fired. And I see Mitch down your scope."

"Yeah I'm feeling a bit cut about that hey."

I took a seat opposite Michael while Jerome moved to the opposite side and let Jay sit down on the other side. Lachy grabbed a chair and sat at the head of the table. It wouldn't have been big enough but when there are two seats at the ends. It makes sense. I looked down as I pulled my phone out. Michael nudged my foot lightly before receiving a message.

Michael – I can see straight through you. You know that right?"

Preston – Yeah I know. I just feel like shit. I hate being the one that people come to for help. The one people trust with everything. Especially since I have so different opinions to everyone else.

Michael – And what are your opinions?

Preston – I wish we would go back to the way we use to be. The 6 of us. Obviously with you as well. Jay was just there. Sorry but he wasn't really ever present with us.

Michael – It's cool I understand. Remember I've been subbed to you and Rob since you started. Well Before Rob started but you know what I mean.

Preston – Yeah I know. Thanks. How do you do it?

Michael – Do what?

Preston – Not get mad at anyone? Not take sides? Always somehow manage to get all sides of the story before making a decision?

Michael – Oh that. Hm. Well you said it yourself. I try to pick up on everyones side before making a decision. I find the facts first. Match it all up. Think it through in my own head on both sides. Then go with the option that tries to either make everyone happy. Or just hurts the least amount of people.

Preston – So what about you then. Cos your a bottle dude. And I can feel you starting to reach the tip.

Michael – I've been swimming in my troubles for a while. I just have a better reason to keep it all locked away. Like it's better for me to stay sheltered then it is for me to let it out and trust someone. I only try to tell people what they need to know. My problems are mine for a reason. Unless I feel like something could happen.

Preston – Isn't that your motto in life? A secret is a secret unless someone can get hurt. Then It's a movement?

Michael – Haha I guess you could say something like that. It's interesting though don't you think? Think about this past month. I went from literally staying in Queensland with family. And before that. A very depressed and upset man. Going through a lot of things. And now look. I'm surrounded by some of the best people I have ever met in my entire life. My best friends. From all over the world. Jay has helped me through a lot of it. And I tried to help him as well. Though I don't know why he is still here. And even Rob. Though Rob has annoyed me lately. I feel so bad I haven't talked to him lately. But honestly. He needs to grow up. He is the only one here with an issue. And I believe he needs to wake up to himself and get over it. When he thinks about it from everyones perspective. Tries to see it from Lachlan's shoes. Tries to look at it through mine. Actually scratch that. No one should ever get in my head.

"It's All In The Past." (GRA) *In Edit*Where stories live. Discover now