I think I'm ready

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Jay's POV

"You need to message him right now."

"We are kind of in the middle of a lake."

"Well then row your skinny ass onto the shore. Get out and grab your phone. And message that little Indian boy."

I watched him turn around and row himself to shore. He banked his kayak and ran to grab his phone. He put ours on the ground next to his kayak and went inside.

"Come on. Let's go follow him. We both know he is bound to fuck this up."

"Yeah you have a good point."

We rowed to shore. Docked and grabbed our phones. I led the way inside and we started to go up the stairs before Lachy's brother stood at the top.

"You look like you have been crying."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not the one you should be apologising too. And right now might not be the best time. I'll bring him into the lounge room later ok. Then I'll grab you and you can talk ok?"


I watched him walk back into his room.

"I legitimately think you scared him."


Michael's POV

I grabbed Jay's hand and dragged him to the top of the stairs. But had to stop.

"Why did you stop?"

"Because I have no idea where I'm going."

"Alright follow me."

He laughed at me as he spoke. He pulled me along slowly behind him before stopping in front of a door. I leaned against it trying to hear something.

"Look Vikk we need to talk ok."

"Lachy come on I can't talk to you I'm already hated enough as it is."

"They don't hate you Vikky. Yeah he was upset you left without a reason or anything but he doesn't hate you."

"I can't... Not Now."

"Vikk please."

"I have to go. I'll talk to you later."

"But I love you..."

There was silence. I looked up at Jay and he shrugged. I guess not even he knew what was going on. We stood there for a minute before hearing his chair squeak a little bit before we heard a thud. Jay and I spurred into motion. Opening the door we found Lachlan on the ground in a ball. He was shaking slightly. Letting out small sobs and moans. Letting his tears fall. I fell beside him and tried to move him onto my lap. He crawled into me and continued to cry. I stroked my hand through his hair. He started crying really hard. I didn't know what was going on. Jay was going to get close before he shot out his leg. After that he started to get quieter.

"I had a cramp."

He said through sobs. I couldn't help but laugh at him. Jay just had a stupid grin on his face.

"Don't laugh you bitch."

"Come on. That's funny. And random."

He just pouted at me.

"I'm going to assume that Vikk ended the call before you could say it?"

"You were listening?"

"Can you blame us?"

"It's All In The Past." (GRA) *In Edit*Where stories live. Discover now