Only Real Escape

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Lachlan's POV

Michael – Your despicable. You know that right Lachlan. You know he is going through shit and then you drop this on him now. Are you trying to break him? Are you trying to kill him? How stupid could you be?

I got worried now. At first I thought it was him. But even after realising it wasn't Michael. I was being selfish. I know that. I couldn't keep it in any longer. It had been eating away at the back of my mind how he just dropped everything for Jay. Actually. He dropped literally everything until someone mentioned something going wrong. Otherwise he was oblivious to anything going on around him. He only stayed with Rob when Preston said something. He only helped Jerome when he came to him. I know it's selfish of me. But I couldn't ask while Jay was with him. I would end up dead. And Jay wouldn't be the one to deliver the blow. What else was I supposed to do? Just keep it all in. Leave my heart on my sleeve for everyone to see and judge?

Lachlan – Who is this? Have you actually asked him about everything? Have you actually read everything that has been said between him and his friends? Have you been paying attention to him?

Michael – No Lachlan. I haven't and to be frank. I don't care what you say. I know you are the one that brought him to this. Why can't you just leave him alone seriously?

I got up and headed over to my bed. I'm glad I already had some videos done and ready to upload. I've basically written off today as a me day. And look how that went. I've been up for barely an hour and I've already fucked up the day for more then I thought possible. I felt like I had deliberately fucked everything up. I know I didn't do it deliberately. I didn't want to hurt him. But. I felt like I had. I could only really do one thing.

"Lachlan what the fuck."

Wait for Jay. I knew this was a mistake.

"What. The fuck did you say to him?"

I kept silent and rolled over facing away from him.

"Lachlan. You need to tell me what's going. Why is Simon telling me to leave him alone. For us both to just stop. What did you do to him?"

I couldn't even look at him or talk. I already felt like I had done enough to cause them to hate me. Rob and Preston were happy, Jerome met a new girl. Jess seems really nice to Mitch. Even Vikk had met someone. Why do I have to be the selfish one. Why am I the one that needs to be punished and have to go through hell with this. I felt the bed dip as Jay took a seat next to me. At least I hope it was Jay.

"Lachlan. Your my best friend. Please. What did you say? Please just tell me what you said."

I rolled over and looked at him before getting up out of bed and walking over to my bags. I had started to grab my clothes and box up my computer and screens. I couldn't bare to look at Jay. Not now.

"Lachlan for fuck sake tell me what's going on. Please don't leave."

"What the hell is going on up here?"

I looked up to see John walking into the room. Jay had stayed on my bed with his head in his hands. I looked up at John and tried to silently tell him what I needed.


I just nodded to myself. John had known about the family situation for years. And had also known about me being a lot closer to the Pack then I had been with anyone else. Even more so then Jay. Lately it's just. I felt myself drifting apart from everyone here. And he had always said to me that when everything got too much. Or if shit got too real. Then he would have a safe account for me set up. I would always put money into this safety net. I had no idea how much I had saved away. I had my money I needed to pay for everything. Then the savings for whenever I would need to travel. But this was private. Only myself and John knew about it. But we both knew that if I ever had to use it. I probably wasn't going to come home.

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