Chapter Thirty Nine - We failed again.

Start from the beginning

"Sonia, no, its danger--" I started to protest.



Luna shot me a glare, her eyes saying it was no use to try to make him stay. Not wanting to, I didn't let go of his hand

We were all holding hands, Alja threw the Chimera wing in the air, screaming Stornway.

We all glowed and then I felt us moving, and in seconds we were in front of Stornway. Which was on fire.

"S-Sonia stay close!" I told him, still holding his hand.

We all ran in, weapons in hand. Alja saw the castle and looked at us all. "Chase, stay outside with me! Everyone else, inside the castle to help the king. I'll take care of the attackers out here."

We all agreed. Heading into the castle, I looked around seeing villagers injured, fighting the attackers, or just... dead...

"Oh ho ho! Look everyone! BLADE is here!" A tall man laughed, looking back at the other men. Who were also laughing.

They were guarding the throne room.

"I'll take care of them." Alex hissed, her eyes filled with anger and rage. "You all go on ahead."

"Alone...? Let me stay--"

"No. Take care of Sonia. I'm not weak, I can take these losers on."

"Losers? You're going to take that back you bitch." The tall guy said, all the men charging at Alex. Excepting to kill her.

Alex dodged their attacks easily, taking her own sword and stabbing one in the arm. "I don't like killing humans. So don't make me." She told them.

Everyone, including me, left her. Running into the throne room, the doors slamming after us.

"I'll ask one more time. Where is she!?"

"I'd rather die then tell you..."

A man was sitting in the king's throne. A knife at the king throat, the king's arms and legs were tied up.

"FATHER!" Sonia screamed, horror in his voice.

"Oh...? There she is..." The man laughed


"I came to save you!"

"NO. RUN--"

"SHUT UP, ROACH." The man kicked the king, right in the face. He coughed up blood.

"FATHER--" Sonia ran behind me, shaking.

"You mother fu--" I growled, ready to shoot him down.

"Lily. Let me take care of him." Chester walked in front of me, smiling. "Seems like a challenge!"

"Only you? Please. You all can come at me at onc--"

Chester didn't take a second to get ready, he charged at the man with the intent to kill.

The man, taken by surprised, barely dodged it. He took out his own sword and clashed sword with Chester.

They both seemed to have equal power, but Chester had an advantage. He was younger and faster.

Chester finally landed a hit on him, stabbing him right into the stomach.

The man gasped, backing up. "Shit, you are really strong.. But our goal is complete, the boss will be proud... We ruined this kingdom. Now I only have to..."

Chester flinched, not realizing what he was about to do in time.

The man took his sword, and swung it down. Hitting the king in the neck. Decapitating him. Chester did the same to the man, just a second late.

It all happened so fast, everyone was silent for at least a minute.

"FATHER! NO!" Sonia ran up to him, laying his body down on his corpse.


I couldn't watch, I looked away. Tears forming in my eyes.

"We... failed...." Kat whispered, her voice shaking.

"No. If we were here in the first place, we would of won." Luna told her, looking down.

Chester stayed silent, looking at the blood splattered on his clothes.

We had to drag Sonia away, he refused to leave. "NO! PUT ME DOWN! LILY STOP!" He wiggled in my arms, his tears touching my skin.

I didn't listen. No one did. Alex and Alja stayed in the kingdom, helping the villagers. Everyone else left, getting on horses that were in the farm.

The whole way back no one said anything, except for Sonia who kept screaming "Daddy"

After that everyone was in another depression. Alex and Alja was always cuddling on the couch, Alex whispering things into his ears.

Chester would pratice killing, using the training room all day every day.

Luna started going on missions with Zero and his alliance. Koji stopped going on missions with his, he stayed to comfort me.

Kat and Chase would do normal things, eat, sleep, talk a little.

Maui tried to cheer us up, claiming she hated seeing her league in such a depressing state.

But two weeks after what happen, everyone single one of us was in the hangout. Sonia walked in, wearing the dress he wore when we first met him.

"Alex. You're the l-leader of this alliance.. right?"

"Yeah! I am..." She smiled, patting Sonia on the head.

He took Alex's hand and squeezed it, he then fell on top of her. Sobbing and hugging her, "P-please... find out w-who did this... p-please.. make him pay... PLEASE, I'M BEGGING YOU."

Alex flinched, she looked at everyone. I nodded, giving her a signal if the alliance didn't help. I'd do it alone.

"Of course..."

Sonia got up, rubbing his eyes. He then looked at Chase, his best friend in the group.

"C-chase... I have a favor to ask..."

"I-i'll help anyway I-i can..."

"...I want to become a healer and join the Angels."

Everyone flinched, not saying anything. We were all surprised.

"Of course, Sonia. Chase'll teach you. Alex will let you join. We'll get you revenge, Just smile. K?" Luna said, breaking the silence.

The depressing two weeks seemed to slip everyones minds. Because every single one of us smiled.

As we all left the room, Sonia grabbed my arm. "Lily..."

"Whats up Sonia?"

He stood on his tippy toes, kissing my cheek. He smiled. "I love you."

I smiled and patted his head. "I love you too."

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