He got up and left. I listened to him close the door gently. That's what I was hoping from Vikk. To no avail though. I stepped out and headed up stairs. Before being slammed into the wall.

"They aren't going to go anywhere. Not while I'm here. Do you understand that?"

My head felt a little light headed. But I knew who it was. He surprised me. Couldn't even take me on directly. What a dick.

"They are moving out. And getting away from you. I won't let you touch or hurt either of them. Do you understand that?"

"I don't think you heard me properly. They aren't leaving."

He let me go and let's just say. That was a horrible and terrible mistake. I grabbed him by the collar and threw him down the hall. He screamed. I heard foot steps behind him and saw Simon come down the stairs. He wasn't wearing a shirt and uh. I felt my cheeks start to go red. Fucking how dare he be fucking hot.

"What the fuck happened here."

"Whatever he says. Remember What I told you earlier today."

I turned on my heels and went back down stairs into the kitchen. The safest place in this house. The solace of existence. The place that holds the gold of the world. Food.

Time Skip

Michael's POV

I woke up earlier in the morning to a loud thud and a scream but Lachlan was with me. I didn't check what it was. I rolled over and the speaking of Lachlan. Where was he? I got up and opened the door and looked out and found Caitlin and Liam talking to someone. Probably Josh and Simon. They were smiling so Vikk wasn't there. I walked out towards them. I got to the stairs before I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around me. I shit myself and dropped to my knees.

"Hey, Hey calm down it's just me. Sorry I scared you."

"Fucking. Damn it Lachlan."

I picked myself up and turned around. Punching him lightly in the arm.

"Feel better?"


"I'll take that as a yes."

"So what are you guys going to look for?"

"What are they talking about?"

"We are going house hunting?"


"Yeah. You, Me, Liam and Caitlin are all going. Liam and Caitlin are just going to help us look. So that's a thing. Do you have any preferences to look for?"

"Not really. Four walls and a roof tend to help."

I felt him laugh at me as he linked his fingers with mine. God damn this boy was an addiction. He led me into the kitchen where everyone but Vikk was sitting down or talking.

"Ok. There you are. So we have found a couple of places already. Most are one bed room but there is one place that you might not like. But don't rule it out."

"What is it?"

"Well I mean it's in your budget so that's all you need to know right now."

"True. Alright when are we leaving?"

"When Michael eats something."

"Can I get myself something when we are out?"

"How you don't have any money."

"I do need to go to the bank and get a card that works here right? Hopefully I can transfer funds over. Mum has been putting a bit of money into my bank so I'm not without while I look for a job. Then I can just pay her back when I get a job."

"It's All In The Past." (GRA) *In Edit*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें