"Yeah I'm fine. Just might be a bit slow on burger station. You know what I'm like."

"Yeah I know. Hang on."

I hated working here now. Michael wasn't here anymore. The fucking bastard pissed off to another country. With my wife. The nerve I swear.

"Liam. Large classic burger."

"Chips in a minute. Burger coming now."

"Still fillets in the chutes?"

"Yeah one left. I'll have to drop more."

I made my way to the freezer and grabbed a couple of fillet pieces. Throwing them into the basket and dropping it. Pressing the button to start the timer.

"Burger coming now."

I made the burger correctly and wrapped it properly. Before handing it to Kim through the hopper. Pulling up the chips as I did. Salted. Then boxed them in a large container. I could feel myself getting faster at this job. But I can't lie. My best friends are in England. Well almost all of them. But I didn't want to stay here. But I couldn't leave Kim on her own. You could already see how she was changing with Michael not being here. She wasn't any slower. But you could see it in her eyes she missed him immensely. I couldn't tell her about what's been going on though. Caitlin had been keeping me up to date. I wished I was there with him. I miss that prick.

"Damn that prick."

"Alright Preston calm down."

"Haha very funny mum."

"Look I miss him as well. But we still have a job to do."

"Yeah I know."

"And only an hour and then we can go home ok?"

"Yeah. True."

One bad thing about Fast Food. Time feels like it goes really slow when you really need it to go fast. And it sucks. So much. But gotta keep my head up and ready to go.

Time Skip (But3 days in the past. Yeah.)

Finally for fuck sake. I was about ready to commit murder in this place. With Tabitha calling in sick that made me have to work another 2 hours to cover her shift. Granted more money for me but still.

"Alright Liam let's go."

"Wait we are leaving?"

"Remember Brian is on tonight. I don't have to worry about anything. And you know that as well."

I had been living with her since she got back from Britain. Basically to stop us both from going nuts being alone. But I needed to talk to her. We left the store and were on our way home. But how do I bring up the topic?

"So when are you going to move there?"


"Don't act stupid. I know you want to go over there as well."

"I don't want to leave you here alone."

"I'll be fine."

"Will you?"

"I will probably just throw myself into the store. At least we don't have to worry about the bosses coming around and poking around any more."

"You are the boss now Kim."

"Exactly. Which is why I said I would throw myself into everything. I want you to get out of Australia. All your friends and everything are over in Britain. And I know Caitlin would let you stay with her."

"Yeah I know. I just don't really want to leave you on your own."

"Stop thinking about me. The store is fine. We have staff that can cover the days now. We don't even really need you there during the day. If you want to leave. I will help to organise it and get it done. So what do you want to do?"

"It's All In The Past." (GRA) *In Edit*Where stories live. Discover now