I don't want you to go

Start from the beginning

Rob – Why didn't he.

Preston – I need to get a few videos done. I'll message you later.

I sat back in my chair wondering about Rob. Whenever Michael was involved he would always act coy and non chalant but I knew it would eat him up inside. He has always been like that. Even long before I met him. There was a set time when he wasn't even living on American time. He would be on Australian time. And it just became normal for him. I always wondered why those two never got together in the end. They would be so cute. But. I'm so happy Rob is mine. I love him so much. But I felt like he had always put Michael first. But why aren't I jealous? With Chelsea I would have slapped the bitch with no hesitation if she touched him. But why was he different? Maybe because I know he doesn't have any chance with Rob. And I feel like that is why. I don't know. I'll have to ask him that as well.

Time Skip

Vikk's POV

Caitlin Josh and I had decided to go and get Lachlan from the airport. Christian was going to come as well but thought it better not to. JJ was out with his Girlfriend anyway which left Simon at home. I wanted to stay with him but Simon basically kicked me out.

"Are we sure this will do something for him?"

"Nope. But it was fucking coincidental that Lachlan had that money saved up."

"It's not necessarily coincidental. It makes sense to have a private cache right? No one knows about it. No one can touch it. And no one questions it."

"Yeah but still. How long has he had that going?"

"Oh years I think he said."

"Alright. Did you tell Michael we are going to pick him up?"

"Yeah. He didn't say anything obviously. But he sat down at his computer and opened up Minecraft. So I guess he has been doing something."

"Alright. How far away are we?"

"I'm antsy as well Caitlin. But we are almost there."

Josh and Caitlin hadn't said anything after that. I had my phone out and was talking to Lachlan the whole time. He had landed about 30 minutes ago. And had been waiting for us. Though we didn't know when he was actually going to arrive.

Lachlan – I'm nervous.

Vikk – I know mate. We are as well. No offence but there is a bit of pressure on you. We are hoping you can get him to talk. Even just a little bit. That's all we want.

Lachlan – I just want to hold him.

Vikk – Lachlan your not really helping much.

Lachlan – I am. I am taking a chance that I'm not going to make an idiot of myself. That I'm not spending money flying over here. Costing you guys petrol to grab me. In the hopes that he will talk to me. Has he said anything to you or Jerome?

Vikk – You got him to talk when you came on camera. Before that. He hadn't spoken or done anything in days before then. I'm sure it will be fine. Just have faith dude.

Lachlan – Yeah. Yeah ok? Uh. This is going to sound stupid. But has Josh or Simon or JJ said anything about. Being in a house with gay guys.

"Lachlan said he wanted to ask whether you, Simon or JJ have said anything about having a house with gay guys. Basically what he is saying. Do you have a problem with him staying with Michael?"

"Is that what he said?"

"Yeah. Well he asked whether you had said anything about having to gay guys with three straight ones. But I know what he is talking about and he is asking if he could stay until he finds another place."

"It's All In The Past." (GRA) *In Edit*Where stories live. Discover now