Time Skip

Jerome's POV

It had been a few days now Since I had spoken to Michael about her. And I was getting a little bit excited. I really liked being around her. She was able to joke around but was serious when it came to work and business. While I do get to have fun with Youtube. At the end of the day. There is a line. And I'm glad she helped me find that. I felt my productivity getting better and just my over all attitude towards it change. I would sometimes just lay back and totally forget what I was doing and get distracted by something else. And now I would make sure to get it done as soon as I sit down to start.

"Hey Jerome do you want me to start on dinner? I start work in an hour but I can see your only half way through editing. Mitch and Jess have gone out for dinner."

"Is Ryan still here?"

"No I'm not sure where he has gone but he said he will be back soon."

That was odd. He would have told us if something was up. I decided to head back to my editing. I had done a fair bit. Though I see how she thought I was only a little into it. I finished up my video and headed down to see her half way through dinner.

"Are you finished already?"

"Yeah I had only a little bit left to go anyway. Thought I'd come back and help you out if you need anything."

I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I pulled her slightly towards me and kissed her on the cheek lovingly. I felt her giggle and blush under my arms. She was so beautiful.

"Oh my goodness your making me stop concentrating. I don't want to burn your meal."

"Worth it."

I let go of her and walk around the counter to sit on a stool and just stare at her. Her Dark, Frizzy hair bouncing around her beautiful face. The way she moved around the kitchen. Was gorgeous and elegant. I heard the front door open and a few voices coming from the hallway. I heard Ryan. But.

"Jerome is going to be over the moon when he sees you."

"When I see who?"

I yelled out loud enough for them too hear me. Though I heard a gasp in front of me. And another from behind.


"Jerome. You never told me you were dating Aliese."

"Yeah and you didn't tell me Lachlan was coming to stay. I would have cooked some more. Here Lachy you can have Jerome's plate. I'll just make some more we can wait."

I turned around and saw the blonde hair of the only Australian giant that I have ever seen.

"Damn it Lachlan why didn't you tell me? What's going on? Are you ok? Why are you here?"

"Ok. It's a bit of a long story."

"Well I need to go and get a few things. And Aliese I will take you in if you like?"

"Yeah sure sounds great. Thank you."

Time Skip

After Aliese and Ryan had left. And with Mitch and Jess still having an hour or two until they got home themselves. I listened to Lachlan as he spilled everything to me. Everything that was going on back in Australia. Everything that happened with Simon. Everything that happened with Michael. And he told me. Everything. I felt my heart break for him. He would have had to deal with it all. And while I wouldn't take sides. Michael would kill me. I still felt myself break for him. I can understand why everyone else would be against him. But for Lachlan. I saw the way Michael would look at him. I saw the way Michael would talk about him. And then how he just jumped at Jay. It was. Abnormal to say the least.

"It's All In The Past." (GRA) *In Edit*Where stories live. Discover now