"Fine. But If anything goes wrong. Or if something happens. I'm holding you personally responsible."

"I'm not going anywhere."

I watched him look up at me as he was seated in his chair. He turned back to face his screen. Leaving a deep Sigh. He opened up Skype and I even saw the slightest hint of joy when he saw he was online. He hovered over the call icon but he hadn't pressed anything. So I did it for him. I leaned over and clicked on it. Letting it ring.


That wasn't him...

Michael's POV

I was laying on my bed. I felt like shit. I haven't spoken to Jay since he sent me that message almost a week ago. I was scared to talk to him again. What if he was just baiting me? What if he didn't know what he wanted and was just waiting for a reply from me before he said anything? What if...

"Michael are you really going to let it eat you up inside?"

"Caitlin shut up... But yes. I'm being selfish for a change and eating myself up. I don't like this. I don't feel safe. I love him. So much. But I can't bring myself to say anything."

"Want me to go get someone to talk to him for you?"

I didn't answer straight away. I was legitimately thinking about it. I'm a terrible person. There are so many different ideas and scenarios going on in my head.

"Alright. Come on."

"What? Why?"

"We are going to get out of this room for a little bit. You have been holed up in here for days. Yeah you come out to eat but that's it. We worry about you man."

"I'm surprised they leave their rooms at all during the day."

"Oh come on cut them some slack. That is their job."

"Yeah I know. Alright fine. I'm coming."

I put a pair of shoes on before grabbing a jacket. I followed Caitlin outside into the back yard. We just fell on the ground and lay on the grass. It was relaxing. When your so use to being in your room. The colours and smells of the outside world almost become surreal and strange because your mind is so use to the confinements of a room. It was a stupid thing to notice and worry about. But I couldn't help but laugh at myself.

"Isn't it funny Caitlin. 3 months ago. I was a depressed. Sad. And Lonely little boy. And now. I'm friends with some of the worlds most well known Gamers. Living in a new country. And I have not done any videos for myself. Any streams. I haven't even sang for anyone or performed anywhere."

"That's not true. Did you ever watch Josh's video? He left in the part where you started singing. IT was fucking good."

"He actually left that in. Wow that's funny."

"The look on their face was amazing."

"How are you and Josh?"

"We are going really well. At least as well as a new couple does go. Though it's been going too easy. I don't know. Guess I'm half upset there is no challenge. He's funny as hell. And sweet. But it's easy. Normally people have to put up with something right?"

"Not always."

"Maybe It's just wheneve I get with someone shit goes down. This seems too easy."

"That's true. If you get use to it then yeah it would be strange."

"Hey how has Vikk been? I've noticed he has been a lot happier lately. Do you think maybe he met someone?"

"It's the most logical conclusion to come to isn't it. No one just wakes up randomly the next day after being so broken and upset. And then literally marches into your room and wakes you up with a smile that would make a kitten vomit rainbows of cuteness."

"It's All In The Past." (GRA) *In Edit*Where stories live. Discover now