I'm not sure if we can do this

Start from the beginning

"Michael that's 11 hours."

"Really? Damn it I always fuck that up."

Rob laughed at Michael before Preston joined in. I was going to miss this already. I looked over to Mitch and Jerome and they seemed to be smiling now more then they ever have in their lives. I hope everything is good between them. But I'm sure they will sort things out. Vikk was still looking down in the dumps. I kicked Lachy lightly under the table and tilted my head towards Vikk when he looked at me. I watched him shrug and continue eating. Nah we are going to talk later.

"So when do you guys fly out?"

"At about 3 am in the morning."

"Aw man that's brutal."

"It's fine. It's normal for international flights."

"I think I've only caught one that early. The others have all been in the afternoon."

"Lucky. We have to stop over in Singapore though for a few hours. No direct flight this time."

"That also sucks. But hey That's a new country you can wipe off your list."

"Granted it will be day there I hope. It will be cool to look out the window I guess."

"You guys won't be able to leave the airport?"

"It's only a couple of hours. Might as well just stay."

"We get to go straight home."

I looked at the Americans and frowned at them. Damn them. Though it was nice to hear Jerome's voice again. Seemed like He hasn't spoken in a while.

"So what are we going to do?"

"Josh said he is going to pick us up. Including Jay and Lachy. Then Simon will take them to the Airport."

"Like shift work. One picks up the other drops off."

"Shift work?"

"Never mind. Youtubers I swear."

I listen to everyone groan or giggle at Michael. He was probably the closest to normal we would all get. Which is kind of sad. Yeah Youtube is not really all that demanding. It's just wanting to make the best of everything. I popped my head up as I watched Josh walk through the doors of the cafe.

"Hey guys. Vikk messaged me saying you guys were pretty much ready to go."

I looked over at him and saw his head hang low. Lachy had literally just finished his meal. Michael had barely touched his food saying he wasn't hungry. That's fair. I'll just make sure he eats something later.

"Ok. Well I'm ready to go. What about you guys?"

"I'm good. I just finished."

"Yeah I'm ready."

I watched Michael stand up and hug everyone.

"I'm not sure whether I will be able to see you guys when you leave. I hope so. But I'm going to say good bye now just in case."

He hugged Mitch and Preston but started crying when he got to Jerome. I would too. He gives the fucking best hugs to ever exist.

"I'm going to miss you Jerome."

"Thanks Micky. I'll miss you too. We need to do some videos together."

"Absolutely. As soon as I save up and get a decent computer."

He laughed at him. We all saw the shit box he calls a pc. He needs the upgrade. He walked over to Rob and could barely walk over to him without breaking down. Rob had to close the gap and put his hand on his head as Michael cuddled into him.

"It's All In The Past." (GRA) *In Edit*Where stories live. Discover now