I read his message over twice. Our order had just been taken. Michael had been talking to the guys while I kept my head down. It felt weird being anywhere without Rob. Maybe I should go back and see him. I shouldn't have left him. What kind of a boyfriend am I?

Michael – I know what he is like. Just like you do. He might be sick. But not physically. He is sick of Lachlan and Jay. He needs to see that I don't care. Lachlan really needed help. What happened was my own fault. I did it all as well. I don't regret it. When you walk in on your best friend. And he has tears down his face. You try to calm him down but he get's more and more scared. Until you feel it drip down your hands. You feel it start to dry on your skin. Then you clean him up. It's confronting Preston. I didn't tell anyone because I knew I could help him. But honestly. I haven't talked to him properly about it in about a week I think. Less maybe I'm not sure. But with everyone here. Jay with me. Caitlin with Josh. Mum at home. I feel like he is shutting himself away again. So if you want to. Copy and paste. Or screenshot these and send them to Rob. That explains why I haven't talked to him. And why I bonded so quickly and felt for Lachlan so quickly. Preston I know he helped you. He told me long before the guys found out. It's a confronting thing to see.

I looked over at him and gave him a big hug. He returned it before pulling me closer to him. He whispered into my ear and nodded.

"Rob needs to be here. Let's go get him."

"Alright guys. Preston and I are going to get Rob yeah. It feels weird having one member missing."

"That's true. It's like when I fly over to you guys and Vikk isn't there. It feels weird with one person missing. Go on. We will still be here."

"You better be."

I moved out of my seat and had stood up next to everyone while Michael told the guys what we were doing. He stood up next to me before grabbing my hand, Dragging me out of the diner.

"So was I right?"

The diner was just across the road thank goodness. We hit up the elevator and waited.

"Yeah. You hit the nail on the head. So what are we going to do?"

"Well first of all. Let's hope he is still in his room."

"Yeah that seems like a great place to start."

We entered the elevator doors and rode it up to my floor. We walked out and headed towards the room. I knocked once with no answer. I looked at Michael.

"Rob it's me. Can you please open the door?"

There was nothing at first. Before a faint voice was heard. IT was muffled.

"Go away Preston."

I felt like crap. I looked over at Michael confused. I dropped my voice low enough so Rob wouldn't hear me.

"I don't know what to do. I'm worried about him. We had fought before hand."

"Oh. Ok. Stand back and let me try."

He lightly pulled me behind him and out of view of the door.

"Robbie can you please open the door for me?"

Another muffled and quiet voice.

"I'm not opening the door Michael. No matter what. And cheap trick bringing him with you Preston. You know what I said."

"Yeah. I know. Alright. You don't want to talk to Preston do you?"

"No. Not right now."

"Alright. What if I come in. And keep Preston out here. Or send him back to the guys. Just you and me. Just like old times hey?"

"It's All In The Past." (GRA) *In Edit*Where stories live. Discover now