Loved by an Angel (Chapter 7)

Depuis le début

Brie had something up her sleeve that she wasn't telling me. I don't know what but I was going to find out. In the mean time my baby was growing super fast. I think it's the angel in her or him. It's been 2 weeks since I found out and I already look about 7 months along. Brie can see her or him every time she touches my stomach. She's afraid of what the baby could do. Because it was growing unnaturally fast.

We haven't been on very good speaking terms since Brie told me about Gazardiel. I couldn't believe that she would keep that from me. But I knew she would have a part in helping me get him back. So I let her know what is going on when it came to that subject. As my friend though, I did not let her in.

We were studying up on our angels when I felt my baby move for the first time. I jumped up not sure what it was exactly. Brie put her hand on my stomach and her eyes glazed over. She finally stopped gasping every time she had a vision.

She looked up with me with a contorted look. It was of excitement. Then there was fear.

"It is very much alive. It just kicked." She said.

"If It just kicked then why does your face show fear." I asked. I gulped in a lot of air and held my breath. I knew what she saw.

"Lillian, We run and when I say run I mean now." She whispered.

"They saw it?" I knew they saw it because before now there was no life in there moving.

"Yes grab as much stuff as you can carry. Food clothes money whatever you need."She told me.

So we went home and grabbed our packed bags and stole the keys to the group home van and started loading our stuff up. I grabbed an old school book bag. I stuffed it with a couple cans of food and water. When we got into the van we drove straight to the bank. We both pulled out as much money possible in one try. I have an account with the insurance money from my parents death.

Then we drove. We didn't stop unless we needed a bathroom break. We were hoping we could hold them off as long as possible. I knew Brie had a plan and I knew she wasn't telling me something. I decided she would tell me when she was ready so I went to sleep while she drove during the night.

The light was so blinding. I realized it was daylight and that I was awaken by the light. My stomach growled and the baby kicked. I need some food. I grabbed a bag of chips out of my book bag.

"Damn I'm sorry Lillian I should have known that you'd be hungry." I saw the torture in her eyes.

"Its okay. The baby is just hungry. Remember I'm eating for two." I said as I grinned with her.

"Yeah its getting to be a handful ain't it?" She asked. Again her face was sad.

"No not really.." He or she kicked. I giggled. "or maybe occasional."

This time Brie laughed with me. But then her face got sober again.

"I haven't told you the full truth Lil. Well I sort of saw all this coming." She told me in a whisper.

"What do you mean?"I was a little confused.

"I saw the baby and us running. I also have seen us before the Heavens. I have seen you praying. But the ending&"She stopped to breathe in. "I have seen 2 endings and I do not know which one it will be."

"How did they turn out?" I asked.

"One you live happily ever after and raise your baby and the other" Again she stopped.

"The other what? What is the other way?" I yelled at her.

"The other is you lose your soul and your baby dies. Gazardiel is stripped of his wings either way though." She told me slowly.

"BRIE STOP!!...." I screamed.

"What? What's wrong?" She yelled back.

Pain started shooting through my stomach. I could feel liquid dripping down my legs.

"The baby I think...... I think it's coming."I muffled another scream as pain shot through my stomach again.

"That's not possible!" she said as she pulled over.

"Well then tell me what's happening?" I screamed again.

"I don't know!! I don't know!!" she yelled as she ran to the passenger side. She swung the door open and stared wide eyed.

"I don't know what to do!" she yelled again.

"Well APPARENTLY it does because " I started screaming again. "Its coming!"

"Oh- My-Gawd PUSH!" she yelled to me.

"AHHHHHHH" I pushed as hard as I could.

I heard some crying.

"You have a beautiful baby girl." She whispered to me.

I was breathing hard. My eyes were so heavy.

"Bring her here." I told her.

"Hold on one last thing." I guess she was cutting the cord. But then she put my baby girl in my arms.

When I first saw her she was glowing. I smiled down and knew she was special. I loved her from very first sight.

"Wow just like my first vision." Brie whispered.

"Renata Gray." I told Brie.

"Thats a pretty name." Brie said.

"Do not move." A male voice said.

I looked up and we were surrounded by glowing figures. I could barely keep my eyes open. I lost consciousness and all went dark.


Loved by an AngelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant