Am I Ready To Accept?

Start from the beginning

"So Micky who are we looking out for?"

"Oh. They will be waiting for us. It's cool we just turn up and try and grab two booths."

"Preferably together so we can chat more. I've missed you man. Freaking Cactus running off on me."

"I didn't run off on you. And besides what is with your obsession with Cacti?"

"Love the cacti. Embrace the cacti."

"I don't know. Seems like I'd be embracing a real prick if you ask me."

I heard him laugh to himself while Simon giggled.

"Hey Simon it was kind of coincidental that you and JJ both decided to visit family at this time. Leaving Josh on his own. As for Vikk. Eh seemed reasonable. What's going on man?"

"Nothing is going on if that's what your thinking. And No. I have more chance being shot from 10 thousand Kilometres away with a clean shot to the head and still live. Then I ever do of being gay."

"Yeah I know. It's still funny to tease you guys about it though."

"Yeah that's true."

"Well not all of you are gay though. Vikk is very much a gay man."

"Eh. Not really."

"What do you mean? When we were at Pax and Natalie asked the first time who was gay. He basically raised his hand."

"But did he fully raise it?"

"I'm... not quite sure. I don't really remember to be honest. I try to block out anything to do with her."

"Smart decision. But he always told us he was Bi. Just that he felt a stronger connection to men."

"Fair enough. Ah well that answers that question then."

"Well yeah It sounds like Mitch and Rob. They both are Bi. Been with girls."

"Don't tell Rob I said this but I really liked Chelsea. I thought she was cool and funny."

"Hey I'm sitting right here. And I'm part of the conversation."

"Yeah I know P. But still. I love you guys. And you are slowly becoming my best friends around the world. Same with you boys Simon. I might have known you for as long. But I really enjoy being with you guys. Your awesome. And your so cool with everything. Daddy Zerkaa is really cool. And JJ is fucking awesome. I want to meet the rest of the Sidemen though. I've been watching more videos. I really want to meet Ethan. He sounds like one of those tickle me elmo toys."

I listened to the boys laugh at me. I couldn't help but do a light chuckle to myself. I was kind of funny. Praise me and my jokes peasants... (Please do I'm so lonely. Jokes I'm kidding.)

"Alright guys we are here. Where are your friends?"

"Just around the corner. They are walking up now. He says just grab a place to sit."

We hop out of the car and walk into the Diner. Walking over to a booth and taking a seat. Simon sat in the other booth behind us in order to proclaim it as "Ours." Josh. Lachy and Rob walked in and took a seat. Josh Joining Simon. While Rob and Preston sat opposite them. Leaving Lachlan and I to talk for a small amount of time.

"Are you ok?"

"Not really. They tried to make me talk but I didn't say anything. Why can't they just leave me alone?"

"Who knows man. Maybe because these guys are our friends and your hurt and down in the dumps. I don't know. Maybe they actually genuinely mean to be helpful. And they just don't know how to convey that because they are not use to seeing such a beautiful Australian giant. Need to be consoled. Normally it's the little ones they need to watch out for. Not someone who, If they tripped over, Could take them all out on the way down."

"It's All In The Past." (GRA) *In Edit*Where stories live. Discover now