Loved by an Angel (Chapter 5)

Começar do início

"Fine! I'll practice." I said smirking.

"Good your coming to your senses." He said

"Oh no I didn't say I was going to practice right now." I popped the van in drive and took off down the road.

I picked Brie up and we headed straight to the mall. We walked into the first store we saw.

Gazardiel never lost step. He stayed behind us the entire time.

"You shouldn't worry about such human things and get back to

practicing your powers." He looked at me impatiently.

I froze where I was. I put down the cute shirt I had in my hand and turned around to face him.

"Would you shut up before someone hears you. I don't want people to think I'm a freak." I whispered as softly as I could.

"Why you're a very special person. You should embrace your powers and be proud of them." He said whispering back.

"Yeah well I'll do all that in my head." I told him.

An hour later we had done 7 stores and were worn out. I saw my favorite store and decided that I still had enough energy for one more. It was a music store. I wanted to see if they had any new records in. I handed my bags to Brie and Gazardiel and walked towards it.

I smiled and said hey to the guy behind the counter as I walked in. I went straight for the oldies section. I was flipping through a couple of bands I had never seen before when I heard it.

Drip.. drip.. drip.

I turned around and saw a guy standing there with water dripping from his body. His face and lips were blue.

"h..e...l..p..." his voice was all scratchy.

"I'm sorry I think you got the wrong person." Then I ran, fast and hard.

I ended up running straight into Brie. When I hit her, her eyes glazed over again. I landed on top of her and rolled over. I looked up at Gazardiel and breathed hard.

Brie didn't stay in her trance for long.

"What the hell Lil?" she yelled. "You look like you saw a ghost. Well of course you did but I always wanted to say that." She was smiling now.

Brie got back on her feet and walked over to me. Her face was full of concern now.

"Lillian don't you see what you've just found."Brie said.

I thought about this for a second.

"A Horror Movie?"

"No a way to prove yourself. You can help the ghost. That is what the ghost was saying! Help!"Brie was so excited right now.

"You mean tha-that thing was asking for my help?"I was so confused.

Gazardiel looked from Brie to me. "This might work."

"Of course it would have to come from the heart." Brie added in.

"Wait! If anyone is going to decide whether or not I help that ghost, It's going to be me!" I said

Brie exchanges Gazardiel a look when she thought I wasn't looking.

That was strange. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. It has been a long day, Lillian.

We picked up the bags and carried them to the van. I drove Brie back to work. Then drove back to the group home. When I walked into our room I changed into a pair of shorts. Then I let Gazardiel come in.

"Are you just trying to make my life miserable?" I asked him.

"What do you mean? I've only been trying to help you?" he said.

"Well why don't you stop because you haven't done nothing but piss me off!" I yelled at him.

"Well I'm sorry maybe I should just get out of your way then." He yelled back. He then disappeared. I felt so bad for saying that but I was so mad at him. How can he just act like that kiss never happened? Like I don't matter in that way. He kissed me! No I don't feel bad for saying that. He doesn't feel bad for hurting me.


Brie walked to the bathroom. She was at work but she needed to talk to Gazardiel. When she got in there she checked every stall to make sure no one was in there that could hear. She started whispering his name.

"Gazardiel.... Hey Gazardiel are you up there." She spoke softly.

He pops up beside her and makes her scream.

"Shit you scared me" she breathed out.


"I had a vision today. I think... Well I think Lillian is in trouble." She told him.

"What do you mean I just saw her she's fine?"

"No Gazardiel. It's you. You need to go away. You are getting to close to her. If you leave her now she will be safe."I told him.

"Why what did you see?"he asked full of concern.

"I saw her dying. She had done something forbidden. They were scared of her. It had you there weeping for her. You were... You were in love with her." She said slowly.

His eyes grew wide.

"Gazardiel leave. Do not bother us anymore. Do not ever see Lillian

again." She said and walked out of the bathroom.


Loved by an AngelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora