Loved by an Angel (Chapter 2)

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Edit: This is the rewrite to Chapter 2! I think its getting better!

Chapter 2

Falling Fast

I woke up to a bright light in my eyes and a loud beeping noise. I look around. I don't know where I am.


remembered something about cars and someone carrying me and darkness. Tires squealing really close by. People talking but I couldn't remember what they were saying. I remember hearing a loud, long steady beep. There were people with blue masks on and....

I reached over to my right arm and felt the cords going into my hand. I was in a hospital. I look around and see a heart monitor and a IV bag hanging up.

But how did I get here.

Someone opened the big door to my left. It was Gabriella. I sat up and was about to ask her why the hell I was in a hospital when she dropped whatever she was holding and started crying.

"OMG... LIL... your .... Your... alr-r-r-i-i-ght" she said in between sobs.

Brie ran over to me and hugged me so hard that I winced from the pain.

"What am I doing here?" I asked her. I gave her a stern look.

"You don't remember? Lil you overdosed and some guy found you in an alleyway. Lil you stopped breathing. You died. The.. The doctors declared you dead when you got here. But you some....somehow... ca ...came b...back." She started sobbing again. "I almost lost you forever Lil. I almost lost you."

I knew my face had gone pale now. I knew what the long beeping noise was now. It was my heart... not beating.

"Brie what was I doing in an alleyway? Last thing I remember is being at Masons." I asked.

"We think that maybe... We think Mason just dropped you there because you stopped breathing.... The police went to his house when I told them that's where you were headed. His place was cleared out. He was gone Lil." Brie told me with deep malice.

I can't believe it. He just dropped me off and left me for dead. I really wanted to kill that bastard now.

"Oh shoot I'm such a bad friend I was suppose to call the nurse when you woke up." Brie said reaching on the side of my bed and pressing a button.

I just stared wide eyed at her. This is a dream I know it. It has to be. Just then the nurse walks in and takes one look at me and pulls a syringe out.

"Oh do you have to she's taking it better this time."Brie whined.

I looked down to see a her putting a needle in my IV.

"WAIT what is that? What are you putting in me?" I yelled at her. I started pushing her hands back.

"Calm down, Lil or they will put you back to sleep." Brie said in a soothing voice.

"You mean I have been awake before now?" I looked up at Brie. She looked back with a pained look.

"Yeah several times but each time you started yelling Stay or something. You'd go hysterical. They just keep putting that medicine in your IV and it puts you out in an instant." Brie said.

I was taking in everything way to fast. It was all overwhelming. I start breathing heavily. The nurse went to press the medicine in when I wasn't looking. I went to pull the syringe out. It was too late though. She had already pressed it all the way in. I felt a warm sensation go up my arm and I started to get sleepy. I laid back and the darkness took me.

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