"Why are you smiling Jay?"

"Because even when you have had your head bashed in. Been crying your eyes out for hours on end. And now. Wrapped in a bandage looking half like a mummy, Half like a professional Pirate. Your still the most adorable young man. And I still wouldn't change anything."

I watched him blush and look down. That's all I needed. I lifted him up into a hug.

"I know I shouldn't have said that. Not so soon. And I'm sorry. But right now. I'm going to do anything I can to make you smile and laugh. And at least try to enjoy yourself. Instead of thinking about the past."

"You have already said this to me before you know."

"Yeah I know. But this time. I mean it."

He let go and nodded to the left. We walked out and I put him down on the couch again. I walk into Lachlan's room and chuck on a pair of thongs he brought down. Luckily he has another pair of shoes.



I walked into Michael's room and grabbed his that were sitting on the floor. I brought them out and helped him put them on. Lachlan and Jerome had finished up there game. Lachy was already dressed except for uh.

"Yeah Lachlan you need to put a shirt on dude."

"Oh shit forgot about that."

He ran off and came back fairly quickly.

"Phone, Puffer, Wallet, Keys. Yeah I have everything I need. You guys have everything?"

"Yeah is there a place we can convert our money over?"

"Yeah we can head down to the bank. They should be able to help you guys out. Lachlan and Jay do you have some Aussie currency still?"

"Yeah. Jay never changed his over."

"Alright we are settled then. Are we ready to go?"

Rob stood up and walked out the door. He still seemed to be thinking about things. And I still wanted to know what was going through that guys head. Jerome got his shoes on and Michael, Lachlan and I walked out behind him. He made sure that the house was locked and snoop was still inside. Even though we started moving slowly. He lead the way as we headed off on our hunt for food.

Time Skip

Michael's POV

It felt weird going out with the guys for lunch. I didn't really worry about being interrupted by fans. Where I lived. I would be more surprised just to hear anyone actually watched Youtube. What normally takes me about 15 minutes. Took us damn near half an hour to walk down the road to the mall for food. We grabbed our meals. And found a couple of seats to look at. Rob, Jerome and Lachlan sitting at a three person seat. While Jay and I sat at the table next to them. I listened in on their conversation as best as I could. They didn't try to bring me in which I guess was a good thing. They were talking about what could have set Vikk off. What was going on with Jay. Which they would occasionally bring him into the conversation as they spoke. They talked about me. What could have happened. What was going to happen. And It worried me. Even though I felt safer knowing that Seth was not going to be harassing me any time soon. It felt good seeing Jay smile again. Even though he went through hell.

"Jay. I want to have a look in the book shop. Do you want to come with me? You don't have to if you don't want."

He looked at me and had an almost sad look on his face. It hurt. But he smiled at me anyway.

"Sure. Let's go."


"Hey guys. I'm just helping Michael to the book shop. If you guys want to head off to Eb then we will meet you there."

"It's All In The Past." (GRA) *In Edit*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat