He booted up his computer while I set up the laptop in front of me. He checked his soft ware once he was up and running and made sure not only the mic was picking me up. But also moved his camera over so that I was in shot.

"What time is it right now?"

"It is 9:17 am."

"Ok. I'm going to bring up the games. And get ready. When we do some Minecraft I'll pull you in as well ok. We will also get the boys to do some GTA and Cards against humanity as well. Those alone if I can convince them to get a few videos for each. That right there is 10 videos."

"5 each I assume?"

"Yeah. Then we will find something else. Ok?"

"Yeah that's cool. You better get started then."

Time Skip 13 videos.

Every video he started he would let everyone know I was here and in frame organising things for Pax. I would turn around sometimes and laugh at him or crack a few jokes during a video. He would try and bring me in a few times when he was doing a solo video without the Sidemen or The Pack. I tried to pay attention at times though I was doing a few things at once. Talking and organising a few things with the boys. Mainly hotel rooms and transport too and from the convention. I had organised a room next to Preston and Rob's. After each video Vikk would turn around to check up on how I was going and stuff.

"So we have a choice."

"What's up."

"Well do we want 2 separate beds or one bed. I'm just thinking the 2 beds would help with taking things slow. And would give everyone the idea that we were just friends. That nothing was going on."

"And your logic on the single bed."

"It's cheaper..."

"Is that all?"

"Well I mean. I want the single bed. I've stayed in the same bed with you a few times already. It is almost ok and seen as friendship."

"I think we should get the single bed. And just push the idea that it was just cheaper. It makes sense."

"Ok. I also found a room next to Preston and Rob so that's cool."

"Alright. You want a drink?"

"Yes please."

"Ok. I'll be back in a sec."

He got up and walked out. I looked back at my screen and saw a message from Skype. I thought it was Preston messaging me back about the panels I need to let Vikk know about. I asked him about time as well. But it wasn't Preston.

Jay – Michael. I know you hate me. But please just let me know your safe. I trust Vikk. And I trust you. But please tell me your ok. That's all I want to know. That your safe. That your ok. I miss you.

I just looked at the message. I didn't hate him. Yeah I had over reacted in a sense. But he would have known how it would affect me. That it would break me. But what do I say to him. I had so many conflicting thoughts going on in my head. I told Vikk I still liked him in a sense. But after he made out with Lachy. I lost whatever I felt for him. That feeling of safety and protection was all I had towards him.

Jay – Please.

M – I don't hate you.

I sent it and got a reply pretty much instantly. I was expecting it.

J – Are you safe? Are you ok? I can't say I'm sorry. I know what I did. And I know how you would have seen it. You say you don't hate me. But I know you don't like me. Just. Please Michael. Are you safe? Are you ok?

"It's All In The Past." (GRA) *In Edit*Where stories live. Discover now