"I'm sorry Jay."

"Wait what happened. Dude why is he saying sorry?"

I looked up at Jerome looking confused.

"When I got up earlier. I was still asleep and didn't realise what I was saying. I called him Seth and went back to sleep."

I wrapped my arms around him. I guess he needed it.

"It's ok. Though it explains a few things now. Like why you were so scared of me on the plane. I'm glad you let me stay and talk to you."

The pack had turned back to the movie. Rob had hit play and everyone was looking back at the screen.

"If you need me at any time. Just ask ok? I might not be as close to you as Rob is. But I can try and be there for you."

"Thanks Jay."

He let go and walked up to Rob and asked him something. I couldn't hear so I went into the kitchen to grab a drink. I was worried for him. And I wanted to protect him from that dickhead. I wanted to punch him for what he put Michael through. I watched him walk upstairs and come down 3 minutes later wearing one of Rob's Blue jackets, What looked like 2 shirts and a pair of boots.

"Hey what's happening?"

I started walking towards him. Curious.

"Nothing. I just asked to borrow a big jumper. I want to go sit outside and just breathe for a little bit where it was quiet."

"Ok let me grab a jacket for myself and I'll come with you."

I ran upstairs and grabbed the first jacket I saw. Just a plain Brown jacket I've had for a while that still fit. I walked back downstairs and see Michael standing at the back door waiting. I walk up behind him and open the door, walking outside into the cold.


He followed me outside and we just walked to the small wooden seat Rob had in his backyard. I still couldn't help but feel guilty. I don't know why. Maybe because after everything. Even though I was still a stranger. I would keep him safe in a heartbeat. I felt like I wasn't the only one who would. After sitting down in silence for 10 minutes. I heard Michael sob.

"Hey dude are you ok?"

"I'm sorry."

He tried to wipe his eyes but he must have forgotten how thick Rob's jacket was. As he just ended up hitting himself in the head.

"Why are you sorry? You haven't done anything wrong."

"I was mean to you at first. I didn't like you as soon as I saw you. I got scared of you. And I got worried you would hurt me. I still have to remind myself your a different person. That you aren't him. It's hard to me though. You looked just like Seth."

That hit me hard. Though I couldn't help myself but feel bad. Maybe he wasn't just scared of flying. Was I the reason he was feeling sad. Or down. I couldn't help the way I looked. Though now that I think back. I didn't even introduce myself at first. What if he thought I was Seth when I sat down next to him on the plane from Brissy?

"Well I can assure you Michael. I am not Seth. And from what you and Rob said earlier. I hope I never do turn out like him. He sounds like a horrible person."

"There is something else though. That I didn't tell Rob."

"Hey you can trust me. I promise I won't say anything."

"He uh. It was a week until graduation. I was so upset. I wasn't eating. I wasn't drinking. I would just stay in bed all the time. And whenever I did wake up and go to school. I would get tormented all the time. I've lost count how many times Mum has told me to put an ice pack on my face. Or taken me to the hospital to make sure no one hit me so hard that I broke something."

He started crying again so I put my arms around him. He didn't say anything. He just fell into me. Resting his head on my shoulder.

"I found out. From my friends Olivia and Liam. That Seth had started it all. For 2 years. He had been cheating on me. With anyone he could find. And that he was using me. Olivia told Liam after Seth tried to hit on her. Not realising she was so close to me. For two years he had planned for people to start to torture me. He secretly wanted me to end it. But I never did. I didn't know. I felt safe with him. Until he told me to fuck off. Just like that."

I sat there quietly. If I ever met this guy. I was going to make him wish he was never born. I don't care that I had only met Michael 2 days ago. I wanted to keep him safe. I let him cry and let it all out. He had been bottling this all up. I'm glad he let it out while he was here. And safe. We stood up after half an hour when Michael sneezed. Walking back inside I noticed the tv was off and a note on the table.


Sorry man. We decided to head out to grab dinner for everyone. Vikk was going to get you guys but Rob stopped him. Saying that you two probably needed to sit outside and talk. He told us that you looked a lot like Seth. So I thought the more you two hung out. Maybe he could get use to you. We should be back in a couple of hours. We need to get a few things from the shop down the road.


"What's that?"

"Lachlan left a note saying they went out to get food. They left us alone. But they will be bringing back food."

"Oh how long will they be?"

"A couple of hours."

"Ok. I'm feeling tired. I might go to bed for a little bit."

"Ok I will come get you when they get back ok?"


He started walking up the stairs to bed. I felt sad for him. He had gone through so much in such a short amount of time. I'm glad Rob flew him over. He needed time away. Hopefully Everyone can help him feel better.

"It's All In The Past." (GRA) *In Edit*Where stories live. Discover now