The ships are sailing

Start from the beginning

"I thought all you Minecrafters were G rated."

"Vikk isn't just a minecrafter. He has 2 channels plus he also lives with his friends called TheSideMen."

"Oh. And I assume that they aren't G rated."

"You would assume correct."

Lachlan walks over with Vikk on his back with Mitch behind him.

Lachlan puts Vikk down and I walk up. Grab him and give him a hug.

"Good to see ya tiny british boy."

"Nice to see you to other aussie."

"Oi other aussie I see how it is."

"Tiny british boy really?"

I hear giggling behind me and I turn to Michael.

"Ah yeah this is Michael."

"Hey I'm Vikram but everyone calls me Vikk."

"Hey Vikk. Michael. Nice to meet you."

He seemed a bit awkward. Probably the fact he didn't even know he existed until today.

"Sorry. Out of everyone here I had only heard of Mitch."

"That's ok. Anyway let's go."

After putting his bags in the car we head off on our way to Rob's place.

Time Skip to Rob's house

After finally turning up. And getting inside. We were bombarded with yelling from Jerome and Preston. Running up to people. Jerome knocking over Mitch in the snow. Preston failing to knock over Lachlan. And Vikk standing back. Michael stood back behind me. Until Preston gave me a hug.

"Hey Jay it's good to see you man."

"Hey Preston you too man."

He let go and got immediately tackled to the ground by Michael. I couldn't help but laugh. Everyone else turned around to see them already there.



They stayed there for a few seconds before Lachlan Jumped on top. Then Vikk on top of him. Mitch pulled his camera out for one sentence.

"The fun begins."

Putting it away we pulled everyone up but Michael hugged Preston a little more. I assume they have known each other a while. After letting go he ran up to Jerome but he stepped out of the way making Michael run straight into the door. For a solid minute. All you could hear was everyone laughing.

"I'm sorry Mick how are you?"

Helping him up to a proper hug.

"I'm better now that I am with people I know."


Michael grabbed his bags and sprinted inside almost tripping over. We all file in after grabbing our own bags and made it to the living room where Michael had Rob in a bear hug. You couldn't see it but you could tell he was crying.

"I finally met you. Your real. Your here. I'm here. I'm alive. Thankyou."

"Naw Micky I told you to trust me remember. I promised everything would be ok didn't I?

He just nodded into his chest. I tapped Lachlan on the shoulder and tilted my head up the stairs. We both headed up stairs to our rooms for the time we were here. Lachlan got his own room but I had to share with someone. Guess I'll see my room mate when Vikk and Michael unpack.

After coming down everyone was cheering. Something was up. And I wanted in.

"What's going on?"

"Oh hey Jay sorry dude didn't see you walk in."

Rob limped over and gave me a bear hug. His hugs were always the best.

"It's ok. I talked to Micky on the plane. I knew better then to interrupt you guys."

Michael was the only sound you heard as he laughed.

"I may have been friends with him the longest. But the difference is I'd never met him. You guys have before. It would be more heartfelt seeing friends again then for the first time right?"

Everyone looked at him funny. Though Preston smiled.

"Alright Confucius did you end up getting any sleep on the plane?"

He just looked at me and shook his head. Everyone else followed suit. 7 pairs of eyes all looking at me. I feel like I just got away with murder.

"He was having a hard time on the plane. So I stayed up with him. And made sure he was ok."

A collective naw was heard. I looked over at Michael who was smiling at me. I guess I said the right thing. Micky walked up and hugged me.

"Thank you Jay. I really appreciate it. Ok."

"I know you already told me. And your welcome."

Rob and Preston were sitting back on the couch. Jerome on a stool with Mitch behind him. And Lachlan standing next to the counter with Vikk having his legs around his waist. It was good to have everyone in the same house again. This should be good. Micky wouldn't let go for a little longer. But everyone was doing their own thing.

"I'm tired. I'm going to get some sleep."

He grabbed his bags and started walking away. Rob looked at me.

"Hey show him to the room your staying in. You guys have to bunk up. Sorry we weren't prepared for you. Otherwise we would have organised something."

"Nah It's ok."

We heard a loud thud and Rob tried to move but he couldn't get up in time. I ran off towards it and found Michael collapsed on the ground in the hall way at the top of the stairs. Vikk walks up behind me.

"I'll grab his bags you and Lachlan drag him to his bed."

I grab his hands and Lachlan grabs his legs. Vikk ahead of us with his bags. I show them to the room and he puts his bags down as we lay him on the bed. I checked my watch.

"Lachlan we need to get Mitch and grab our bags soon."

"Dude Calm down we have 2 hours."

"Remember what happened yesterday when you said 2 hours."

"Ok yeah true. Let's get him."

"It's All In The Past." (GRA) *In Edit*Where stories live. Discover now