He's not so bad...

Começar do início

"Thanks. I didn't see where it landed."

I look up and my smile drops. Why did it have to be Jay. I curse my luck as he frowns at me.

"It's ok. I was walking over this way anyway. Are you ok?"


He looks at me almost like he was worried about me. But I'm not stupid. He would turn on me the moment he had the chance.

"Do you want me to stay here and keep you company until we land?"

That caught me off guard.


Another jump and I let out a whimper. Another tear.

"Do you want me to leave you alone?"

I didn't answer straight away. I looked up at him and he just smiled weakly at me. Almost like it hurt him seeing me the way I was. Like he wanted to protect me. Maybe that was just because Lachlan would have told him to be nice. Looking up at him. I forgot I was on a plane.

"Michael. Do you want me to leave you be until we land?"

Lachlan told him my name. Which means he told him everything rob would have told him. If Lachlan trusts him... Then I need to give him a chance right.


"Ok Let me go and get my phone. And we can find a book or something ok?"

I just nodded my head. At that he walked off to his booth. I watched him. He stayed there for a little bit and then grabbed his phone and walked back.

"You ok?"

"I will be. Can we talk for a little bit first?"

"Sure. What do you want to know?"

I asked him anything and everything I could think of. How he met Lachlan. How he met The Pack. I found out he was a gamer like them. He had his own channel. Same as everyone else. He kept smiling at me every question I asked. He was nice. And friendly. But he still scared me. What if it was a front he was putting up. To make me lower my defences and attack from the inside. What if he actually didn't like me and was just pretending to make Lachlan happy. Too many questions ran through my head. But he would just let me ask them all.

"So yeah that's why I moved to Queensland. What about you? You were on the same plane as us going to Sydney. Do you live up there as well?

"No. I live in Sydney. I was in Queensland visiting family. Rob had already talked to my mum and organised it with her as a early present for me. We had been friends for a few years. And Mum told me that they had been talking about this trip for a couple weeks. They had to organise time off work for me. But I lost my job. So I guess that made it a little easier."

"Aww dude I'm sorry to hear that. Youtube is our job. So we are good to travel as long as we keep uploading and keeping everyone happy."

"Is that what you have been doing?"

"Yeah I've been editing. Hence why I'm up so late."

"Is it late. I'm sorry I kept you up."

I opened the window cover not realising I closed it. The sun hit me like a brick house. I turn to talk to Jay until we hear the pilot.

"Attention all passengers who are currently awake it is currently 9 Am In Montreal, We will be making our descent in approximately an hour. Good morning and welcome to Canada."

I just look out the window smiling. A grin from ear to ear. I made it here. It's almost over. I look back at Jay who was smiling and rubbing his eyes. I just kept him up. I feel bad now. I lean over and give him a hug.

"It's All In The Past." (GRA) *In Edit*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora