Chapter 75 "Till the match is over?"

Start from the beginning

Hermione didn't talk to us the whole class but I knew she'd say something because, well, she's Hermione! But I still love her because she worry's about people and is a true friend. when we got outside the castle for break, Carly with her nose down in a book of Empathy's, Hermione looked at me and Harry with a beady eye and opened her mouth but Harry talked before she could. "It's no good nagging us, Hermione, it's done," He said firmly, "Fred and George have got the gold ---- spent a good bit of it too, bu the sounds of it ---- and we can't get it back from them and I don't want to, neither does Ro. So save your breath, Hermione."

"I wasn't going to say anything about Fred and George!" She said in a defended look and Ron and Carly look at her in disbelieve but she looked at them with a dirty look making Carly go back to reading. "No, I wasn't!" She said angrily. "As a matter of face, I was going to ask Harry and Ro when they're going to go back to Snape and ask for Occlumency lessons again!"
I felt Harry's heart sink at this, but mine just got worried and nervous. Since the legendary departure of Fred and George Ron and Hermione have been wanting to know what Sirius and my Mum have told him. They've been wanting to know and Harry has stupidly told them that they want him to ask us for those lessons again, which he has admitted to me he has regretted the day he did. Because Hermione would not let this drop while Carly understands why me or Harry wont go near Snape anymore.
"You can't tell me you've stopped having funny dreams and you've gotten controlled of your powers. Because Ron told me last night you were muttering in your sleep again and Carly and I have noticed the depression coming back and your nightmares are getting worse, Ro." Hermione told us. I groan mentally while Harry shot Ron a furious look while I felt how bad Ron feels. "You were only muttering a bit," he mumbled, I could hear how truly sorry he was. "Something about 'just a bit farther.'"
"And you've cried worse then ever, Ro, you whimper in your sleep now." Carly said still looking into her book but I could tell she's worried.
"I dreamed I was watching you lot play Quidditch, I was trying to get you to stretch out a but farther to grab the Quaffle." Harry lied, of course, he did not. Also Ron's ears turned red from this which Carly had to hide some laughter from because she finds it cute his ears turn red.
I don't know what he's been dreaming, to be honest, but my nightmares have been worse then ever. I'm not just dreaming of Violet, My Mum, Uncle Remus, and Tonks dying, Harry snogging Ginny, me and Harry fighting, no, I'm dreaming of Sirius dying now.
Sirius falls through a archway after being shot with the Killing Curse, my mother had tears running down her face, while Neville looked really bad and Harry was standing on some steps looking shocked while I was on the ground with a face of shock, fear, and sadness on it but also pain.

"You both are trying to block your mind, right?" Said Hermione with a mix of concern to me but looking beadily at Harry. "You are keeping going with your Occlumency?"

"Of course I am," said Harry as I sigh at Hermione and look at her and nodded.

I continue to think of Sirius dying because it bothered me so much...every dream I have of someone dying I have a feeling I have to do something to prevent it happening but I don't know exactly how...I didn't want those people to die either, especially my family, and I don't know if there will be even a war but something in me is telling me there will be but there's a low chance for that to happen but my gut keeps saying it's a big chance so I've been very worried and confused lately. I haven't told Harry of these dreams at all, though, because I can't tell him I've been dreaming of our godfather dying in some mysterious room we've never been in because that'll get him very worried.

"You know," Ron said, getting me back to reality, who's ears and still red. "If Montague doesn't recover before Slytherin plays Hufflepuff, we might be in with a chance of winning the Cup."

"Yeah, I s'pose so,"
"I mean, we've won one, lost one ---- if Slytherin lose to Hufflepuff next Saturday ----"
"Yeah, that's right," Harry said, seemingly like he isn't really paying attention, while Cho Chang walked across the courtyard, not daring to look all flirty towards Harry or glare at me.

The say of the last match of the Quidditch season, last weekend of May, Gryffindor Versus Ravenclaw. Slytherin has narrowly defeated Hufflepuff in their last match last Saturday, and I could feel the Gryffindor's had no hopes Ron's goalkeeping record, which I've been tempted to tell them to have a little faith in Ron.

"You know," Said Carly, hugging while we walk through a crowd to the stands. "I think Ron might do better without Fred and George around to tease him to be honest..." I could tell she missed Fred though.
I stuck my hand in my in my jacket. I look over to see Luna Lovegood wearing a eagle as a hat while it's wings flapped as she walked through the proud, Slytherin's cracking and pointing but that doesn't seem to bother her. "Oh gosh, I forgot!" Hermione said suddenly. "Cho will be playing, won't she?"
Harry simply grunted in response and Carly smirked at me knowing how gleeful I felt he didn't blush, a glint in his eye that meant something, or his stomach did somersaults at the mention of Cho Chang, what made me more happy is that he just slipped his hand in mine making it come out of it's pocket making me the one to blush instead and butterfly's to race around in me and Carly shook her head at us chuckling. "You two are something," she chuckled, I felt my face heat up more.

We found seats om the topmost row in the stands which was a very odd place for me to be in because I'm usually in the air for, yeah, yeah, yeah I went to the Quidditch World Cup, but this is different this is not a big stadium this is just somewhere in Hogwarts grounds. It was a fine and nice, clear day so this is good for Ron I just hope nobody will make more fun of him...

The game began.
The players zoomed out onto the pitches and Lee Jordan didn't have his exciting voice that I love hearing but it sounded bored and depressed, Jamie was actually over there, her hand on his shoulder. Jamie has told me Lee has been lonely without Fred and George and while he's grateful for Jamie he still misses his two best friends.
"...Bradley...Davies...Chang," he said in a bored ton, Harry's stomach some sort of lurch, which mine did too (Damn Empathy powers) I was sort of confused by that.
I saw Cho talk to roger Davies as the Gryffindor's came out I felt someone is jealous but I didn't dare to look because I had a feeling it'd be bad for me to do.
"And they're off!" Lee said. "And Davies takes the Quaffle immediately, Ravenclaw Captain Davies with the Quaffle, he dodges Johnson, he dodges Bell, he dodges (Julie) Lupin as well....He's going straight for goal! He's going to shoot ---- and ---- and ----" Le swore very loudly making Jamie jump. "And he's scored."
Harry, Hermione, me and Carly groan with the rest of the Gryffindors, but for the Slytherins, well, they started singing.

Weasley cannot save a thing,

He cannot block a single ring...

"Harry," said a hoarse voice beside Harry, "Hermione, Ro, Carly..."

We look around to see Hagrid squeezed between the seats he looked horrible he had blood dripping down his face while he had a black eye on both eyes now. "Listen," he whispered, "can yeh all come with me? Now? While ev'ryone's watchin' the match?"
"Er....can't it wait, Hagrid?" Asked Harry. "Till the match is over?"
"No," said Hagrid. "No, Harry, it's gotta be now...while ev'ryone's lookin' the other way...please?"
Me and Carly glance at each other with the same look "we have to go, to help him" we look at Harry and Hermione and they nodded and we look back to Hagrid. "'Course," Harry said at once we had a silent conversation. "'Course we'll come..."

With Carly's help we edged back along the row of seats without bothering anyone with her swiftness she was ahead of us twice that she needed to crouch down and wait for us until we got to the stairs.

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