Another Author's Note and Q&A :)

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Hi everyone!! 

There are some things that I just wanted to let y'all know about updates and all that! 

Okay so I'm still technically on break, but I decided to do a small winter course to make my workload lighter during my spring semester. It's not that difficult of a class so I will still be updating, only instead of everyday, I will probably be updating every other day. I need some time in between to do my assignments and because I have a test that I have to prepare for in about 2 weeks. I also need more time in between because now that I'm getting deeper into the story, I really want to make sure the story is going the way I imagine it. 

Now that with that being said, that will be the way things go until January 19th. Why that specific date? Well I'm pretty sure I will not be done with the story by then, which I hope doesn't bother y'all. I really want to give an original Jerome story, so it will have more than just the things we saw in Gotham. 

So January 19th is when everyone goes back to classes at my university so with that, I will probably only be updating on Fridays and on weekends. There will probably be no updates when I get my rounds of tests. I'm real serious about my schoolwork (I worked way to hard to get to college and not put forth 100%), so I have to put it first. 

So in summary:

Now - Jan 19th: Updates every other day, maybe every two days if needed.

Jan 19th - Future: Fridays and/or weekends.

I felt I owed y'all an explanation onto how I will be doing things since so many of you have been with this story since I published the first part! I really am thankful for all of my readers, and how so many of you have taken an interest in the story! I love waking up in the morning and reading your comments and seeing your feelings on the chapters! I did not expect to receive the feedback I have gotten with this, especially since this is my first story ever on Wattpad! 

So to leave y'all with something Jerome related...enjoy the video up there at the top. It's not mine, but it's one I found on YouTube that I've watched way to many times! I like it because it captures all the adorableness that is Jerome Valeska :)

Oh and I noticed that I have some new readers so I decided to do another Q&A! You can ask me anything you want, from the story to what I else I do in my free time I don't care! So ask away!! :D

Okay that's all for now!! 

Love y'all! 

~ Amanda ~

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