~ Chapter Twenty Four ~

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~ Chapter Twenty Four ~

Kelly's POV

Luke and Ty have really bonded, and its only been a day, tomorrow we are going to the park with him so we can have our first family outing.

Beau thinks its silly how I'm taking pictures of every memory with Tyler but he doesn't understand that I want to capture every good memory on a camera so that we can look back and say "Hey I remember that." Luke thinks its smart because Tyler will appreciate it, and Luke loves photography so thats another reason why he likes the idea. 

Im documenting every milestone with Tyler in a baby diary thing, it has pages dedicated to an event in the baby's life, we've just started it.

Luke bought Tyler a Janoskians T-shirt, specially made for his size, so he can always be with him, which I thought was adorable.


The next day..

"You ready yet?" I asked Luke as i went into the bathroom where he was currently doing his hair.

"You look fine come on." I said as i grabbed his arm and tried to pull him out of the room, but he wouldn't budge.

He looked down at me with a cheeky smile and said "I'll be ready in a minute." 

He leant down and left a kiss on my forehead, then returned to his hair.

I left the bathroom and went into Tyler's room, he was sitting in the play pen playing with a toy car, he looked so innocent, and so cute.

I bent over and picked him up, I held him on my hip and said "Lets get you dressed."

He nodded his head and grabbed my cheek with his tiny hand.

"Hey mister that hurt." I faked being hurt as i pulled his hand off my face.

He giggled very much as I put him on the change table and grabbed out the T-shirt Luke bought and a pair of blue jeans, with some runners for his tiny feet.

Once he was dressed i ruffled his hair jokingly and picked him up and walked back to Luke.


Luke's POV

I love having a son.

Tyler is such an amazing little boy and i love him so much already, I can see a bit of both of us in him. 

He has my brown curls and my mouth, but he has Kelly's eyes, for me thats my favorite feature on him, his eyes, just like his mum.

He seemed to be a quiet child when I first met him but I am mistaken, he is the loudest 1 and a half year old ever, he finds everything i do funny.


"Time for lunch." Kelly announced as she sat down on the picnic rug, Tyler wanted to keep playing but I needed him to eat his food with us, I grabbed him by the waist and put him on my shoulder, then placed him down on the rug.

He sat up and smiled, then pointed at the fruit.

I picked up a piece of apple and handed it to him he took it quickly and started to nibble off of it.

I picked up some food and began eating as well, Kelly's hand found its place in mine and everything was perfect.


Kelly's POV

"C'mon Ty we have to go!" I shouted over at Tyler trying to get him off the playground.

"Ill get him." Luke said then sprinted over to him and grabbed him and sat him on his shoulders.

"What do you want to do now?" Luke asked.

"Um, walk along the beach?" I suggested.

"Sounds good to me." I replied.

We reached the car and Luke went to put Tyler in his car seat, I sat in the passenger seat and waited for him to sit beside me.

After a couple of minutes and a few huffed breaths i hopped out of the car and saw that Luke was struggling with the buckle.

"Need help?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"How do you do this? Its like a rubix cube." Luke replied.

"Ill take that as a yes." I said as i stepped in front of Luke and pushed the buckle in easily.

"You make it look so easy." He said.

"I try." I said as i turned to him and pulled a funny face.

He chuckled and began leaning in.

"Um we gotta go." I said awkwardly.

I tried to return to my seat but Luke pushed me against the car door and breathed "Kiss me." Against my neck.

"Not in front of Ty." I whispered.

"He isn't even watching." Luke said.

We both looked at him and Luke was right, he was playing with one of the toys he had left in the car, completely oblivious to the fact that the car wasn't moving at all.

Luke grabbed my chin and pressed his lips against mine. 

He tried to deepen the kiss but i didn't let him because what if Tyler looked over and saw us sharing a heated kiss. I know Luke is hurt because of this but, I want Tyler brought up in a good environment, which means no kissing in front of him.

I broke the kiss then said "We should probably go now."

He nodded and walked around to the driver seat of the car, I hopped back into my seat, did up my seat belt and then we left, we were silent the whole car ride, but instead of a comfortable silence, it was awkward.

Once we got to the beach we got out of the car and went down into the sand, I took Tyler's shoes off and he sat down on the sand, I went to sit beside him but Luke gave me the look as if to say 'Can i talk to you?' I approached Luke and we sat away from Tyler, still keeping a close eye on him.

"Kel, why are you acting weird?" He asked.

"Im not."

"Uh, yeah you are, normally you'd never deny a kiss from me, and now you won't even look at me, is it something ive done?" He stated.

"No you haven't done anything, and I know you aren't used to me being like this but I am only doing it for Tyler, i want to bring him up right." I said.

"So kissing your boyfriend is inapropriate?" He asked.

"No, just not in front of him." I said.

"Look I know you miss being able to kiss me and all that stuff because you haven't been able to for so long but I promise we will have a whole day to ourselves this week." I added.

He nodded.


"Um how about tomorrow?" I suggested.

"Yeah, but where will Tyler go?"

"Gina." I replied.

"We could take him tonight if you want?" I added.

"Yeah, after this." Luke said.

After our little talk we returned to sit beside Tyler and made sandcastles with him, we played for hours, it was beginning to. Get dark when Luke suggested we go home, we dropped Tyler off at Gina's and then returned to the car.

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