~ Chapter Twenty Three ~

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~ Chapter Twenty Three ~

*Luke's POV*

I found plane tickets to leave tomorrow so i can get back home, and I can't wait.

As much as i love it here in America I miss Melbourne, whether it be my beautiful girlfriend and family or just the familiarity of it, the weather, air, smell, the park with our seat and tree carvings, I don't know but I do know that I miss it.


I bolted into my room and pulled my suitcase out from under my bed

I began shoving my clothes into it and everything i would need while i was home.

Once I had basically packed everything i would need i placed my picture of us on top carefully since it was one of my most important possessions ever.

I glanced at the clock and saw that it was getting late and i have to be at the airport early in the afternoon tomorrow.


It was 11:00 and my plane leaves at 1:30.

I climbed into the taxi after bidding the boys and Jeremy goodbye, I sat in the vehicle and went over everything, my passport, plane ticket, and then started to mentally check off everything in my suitcase.

Then the taxi reached LAX and i got out with my suitcase and wheeled it inside and began to search for my terminal.

Once I had gone through security i sat myself down on one of the uncomfortable metal chairs in the almost empty room, i looked around at what kind of people were getting the same flight as me and saw mostly all elderly people and some middle aged people with very few children.

Eventually I heard the loud speaker "Flight 247A To Melbourne Now Boarding."

I stood up and walked through the doorway to the plane, I looked at my ticket and searched for my seat, 14D.

I finally found it and sat down then looked out the window, I pulled out my phone and scrolled through twitter, I so badly wanted to tell Kelly that i was coming but this had to be a surprise, it would mean much more to her, and me.


*Kelly's POV*

I finally got some time to myself, I had put Tyler to bed and now I just flopped down onto my bed, I closed my eyes for a minute then gave in to how tired I was, i felt myself drift off into a deep sleep.

Luke's POV

Once the flight was over i went to go collect my luggage from the baggage area, once I had done that i began to walk out to the main part of the airport, I caught a taxi and began the short trip back to my house, I know that Kelly is living at her own house now, so this way i can still surprise her.

Once I got home i went into the lounge and saw mum sitting on the couch watching TV, when she saw me she started to cry.

"Luke i missed you so much."

"I missed you too mum."

After a few moments in a hug mum pulled away and said "Oh my, I need to tell Kelly that you're home!"

"No mum, this is a surprise you cant tell her yet."

A smile crept onto her face. "What did you have in mind?"

Later that day, night time...

I decided it was time to go see Kelly and surprise her, mum said that she would be putting Tyler to bed about now so i could walk over to her house.

I opened the door and was greeted by silence.

It was dark downstairs and upstairs i could see the glow of a night light, coming from Tyler's room obviously, but Kelly was no where to be found.

I tip toed up the stairs and hesitated before entering Tyler's room, the glow of the night light illuminated the room so i could see everything, by the window there was a rocking chair, against the wall there was a shelf with picture books and toys on it, then I saw his bed.

I looked into the bed and saw a tiny little boy, curled up in his blankets, fast asleep his chest rising and falling with every breath he took, then suddenly it hit me, this perfect little baby was my son, half of me and half of Kelly, he was ours, and he probably doesn't even know me, I mean he has seen me once, over Skype and he would have forgotten what i look like by now.

I left his room silently and closed the door but left it slightly ajar.

Then I went to Kelly's room, I was standing in the doorway looking around the dark room, I was about to flick the light on but then I noticed someone fast asleep in the bed, Kelly.

I climbed in next to her, she was laying on her side facing away from me, I laid on my side and wrapped my arms around her, nuzzled my head into her neck and finally let the exhaustion of the past year go, I could finally feel like myself again, I was finally home.

Kelly's POV

I woke up in a haze, I finally got a full night of sleep, minus the crying and screams from Tyler.

Wait, whats wrapped around my waist? I thought.

I looked down and saw a pair of arms around my waist, with quite large hands, i turned my head and thought i was dreaming, I saw the face that I thought I wouldn't see for a long long time, he was here, with me, home, our family is together, Tyler will finally know his dad, this is perfect.

I put my hands over his and rubbed circles with my thumbs, he started to stir then i heard him croak "Hi."

I squeezed my eyes shut and pretended to be sleeping, but he saw straight through it, just like every other time i did it.

"Come on i know you're awake." He chuckled.

I opened one eye and saw his face above mine with that gorgeous smile on his face.


"Did i surprise you?"

I nodded.

"Wait, something's missing."

"What?" He asked. I knew he was about to say Tyler but he was here and he isn't missing.

"This." I said as i pulled his face down closer to mine so our lips touched, a lingering kiss then broken by the cries of none other than Tyler.

"I've missed this." He said.

I smiled then shoved him off me and entered Tyler's room, I picked him up and cuddled him in my arms, bouncing him at the same time.

Luke stepped in to the room and leant up against the door frame, he smiled while watching me be a mother.

Once Tyler stopped he noticed Luke standing at the door.

"Ty this is-" I was cut off by Tyler squealing "Dadda!"

Luke smiled when he said Dadda and I handed him to him, Luke obviously thought that Tyler wouldn't know who he was.

I watched him talk to Tyler quietly, letting him hold onto his thumb with his tiny hand.

This is my little family, and its perfect.

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