~ Chapter Thirty Eight ~

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~ Chapter Thirty Eight ~

Luke's POV

I picked up the phone and said "Hello?"

"Hi, is this Mr Brooks?" The lady on the phone asked.

"Yes it is." I replied.

"We need you to come down to the hospital, it's Georgia." She said with an almost happy voice.

"Okay ill be there in a few." I then hung up and started driving to the hospital.

Once I reached the big white building I almost ran inside dragging Tyler with me up to Georgia's room.

When I reached the door Georgia's doctor was standing there waiting for me, he looked serious but not sad or disappointed, which was weird.

Tyler sat in a waiting chair in the corridor with one of the nurses while I went into the doctors office to be told why I had been called here.

I sat down In the armchair and watched him slowly sit down and face me, this anticipation to know why I am here was killing me.

Kelly's POV

After Luke had left to pick up Tyler I moved onto his side of the bed and enveloped myself into the doona then once I took in his scent from the pillow I had drifted off.


I woke up an hour later and noticed that my home was silent, no sounds coming from any room in the house, Luke should be back by now, I should be hearing Tyler laughing and playing with toys or I should be able to hear Luke downstairs skyping his brothers and mum.

I crawled out of bed and pulled on one of Luke's tshirts and my underwear, then I walked out from my room into the main room of the house.


I went into the kitchen and saw that it was as clean as I left it this morning when we last use it, nothing had been moved since then.

I went to Tyler's room and looked inside, no one was there.

Then I started to call out for them.

"Luke?" "Tyler!"

Still nothing.

I dug my phone out of my handbag beside the door and frantically typed a message to Luke.

From Kel<3:

Luke where are you guys? You were supposed to be back a while ago, is everything okay?? xx

Once I sent the message I went back into the kitchen and made myself a cup of tea, then I sat in the sunroom on the window seat, holding my mug in both hands.

Once I had almost finished my tea my phone began to buzz so I put my tea down and picked up my phone, seeing the words 'Message From Luke<3'

From Luke<3:

Hey Kel, everything's fine, we just got called into the hospital, it's great news! But I'll tell you later when I get home, see you soon xx

Great news? Usually the news is never great nor good, it's usually the exact opposite, what could this news be? Surely she couldn't be cured completely..not yet anyway..


After 20 minutes of thinking I heard the door handle turn and the door click open, Luke and Tyler were back with their "great news".


Luke's POV

Once I was in the armchair the doctor started to talk all complex stuff about Georgia, I didn't really understand it but the smile on his face made it evident that it was something good.

"I'm sorry I didn't understand any of that, come again?" I said confused.

"I just said that Georgia has no more cancer left in her body." He said.

I began to shake with excitement.

I stood up out of my chair, a huge grin on my face.

"Seriously?!?" I asked.

"Yes, seriously." He chuckled.

"You can take her home tomorrow after final checkups." He said.

I ran around to his side of the table and squeezed him in a hug.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me." I said happily.

Oh my god.


Those three words are sugar to my ears.

I ran out of the office smiling, I grabbed Tyler's shoulders and said "Georgia's cancer is gone!"

He stood up and we both jumped with joy chanting "yay" and "no cancer" over and over again.

We decided to go home and tell Kelly the news.

Once we got home we tiptoed inside and saw Kelly sitting in the kitchen pouring herself more tea.

Tyler went to his room, probably to play with his toys or on his IPod.

I went up behind Kelly and tapped her on the shoulder she turned around and smiled at me, holding her tea in her hands.

We stared at each other for a while until she said "What's the news?"

"Well, Georgia's cancer is gone." I stated happily.

Her lips pulled into a huge grin and her tea fell to the tiled floor.

She wrapped her hands around my neck and kissed me passionately, when she pulled away she said "Finally things can go right again."

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