~ Chapter Thirty Seven ~

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~ Chapter Thirty Seven ~

Kelly's POV

2 years later...

It's been two years in London, we haven't seen Beau, Daniel, Jai, James and Gina for that whole time, I'm really missing them, I found out that Beau and Anna had a baby girl called Melanie, she is 1 and a half.
We still talk to everyone over Skype and on the phone but we haven't actually seen them in person for that long, it's hard not being able to run to Beau and give him a hug, since he is my best friend, apart from Luke, because I hate to admit it but I have needed him over the past year.

You're probably wondering about Georgia? She is still fighting this terrible disease, she is 7 now and so mature for her age, she has been reading books and has them stacked up in her hospital room, she has become quite the artist too, she draws pictures of things like flowers and trees using her imagination.

I think that she will be an artist when she's older and live in a small city apartment, painting pictures while sitting out on the balcony and drinking tea, like one of those cliche lives that everyone secretly wants.

She has lost all of her hair and is tired all of the time, we are rarely aloud to visit now because of the treatment, so seeing her is the biggest thing ever.


Luke has been acting really weird lately, like he has been distant with me and rarely talks to me, I keep thinking that maybe he doesn't want to be with me anymore and that he wants to go back to Melbourne without me while I stay here with the kids, I know he isn't the person his father is but I am just getting scared that he'll leave us and I don't think I'll survive that.

Luke's POV

Have I been acting distant? Yes, but I have my reasons.
I am trying to cope with my daughters health deteriorating and I'm trying to think of how I can finally propose to Kelly.
I want to be married to her so much, but I want to do it at the perfect moment, I want it to be special, just like in the movies.

And every time I get close to asking her Georgia's health lowers and it is no longer the right time to ask.
I already feel like we are married, we have two kids, and live together, and we have been going out for about 8 years, hard to believe but it's true.
I need to just ask it, randomly and out of the blue because having a nice dinner and getting down on one knee is too cliche and she will probably prefer me to do it spontaneously.

Ugh why am I so confused?


I walked out to the kitchen and sat in one of the bar stools with a mug of hot chocolate in my hand and my phone in the other.
I began typing a message to Kelly.

To Kelly<3:

Hey babe, come home? I wanna see you, we haven't had any 'couple' time lately
Love you xx

Once I sent the message I put my phone down and took a sip of my drink, the warm liquid heating up my insides.

After I had finished my drink I heard the door click meaning it had been unlocked, I then put the mug in the sink and walked to the front door.

Kelly stepped inside, her nose red from the icy wind on her face and her hair slightly wet from the rain, she took her coat off and I embraced her in a hug.

"Hey Lukey." She said once we pulled away.

"Marry me?" I blurted out unsure of my self.


"Marry me." I said more confidently this time.

She was silent, her green eyes piercing through my body into my soul, when finally she said "Of course."

I smiled and kissed her passionately, my hand caressed her cheek when we pulled apart, a smile on her lips, and on mine too, everything was getting better, we are engaged, now all we need is for Georgia to get better.

We ended up in our room, but this time instead of being sad and depressed about Georgia's health we were smiling, almost happy for the first time in what feels like forever.
I then pushed her down onto the bed, climbing on top of her, then kissing her neck, her hands tangled in my messy hair. Her legs wrapped around my waist and we started kissing with tongue.
Once our clothes were removed Kelly pulled a condom out of the draw,
"So we don't have more surprises." She said with a giggle.
I chuckled and put it on.

Then we did it ( yeah I'm not explaining everything you dirty pigs soz not soz )

We lied in the bed under the sheets, our fingers entwined with each other, my stomach against her back, and our feet in a tangle.

"I love us." She whispered.

"I love you." I replied with a smile.

She laughed and kicked her foot at mine.

I glanced over at the clock and saw that it was almost time to pick Tyler up from school.
I climbed out of the comfortable bed and pulled my clothes on.

"Why are you putting clothes on?" She asked with a cheeky smirk.

"Because I need to go pick Tyler up from school." I replied.

"Oh yeah well see you soon, I'm having a nap." She said closing her eyes.

I went outside to the car and started driving to the school once Tyler was in the car my phone started ringing, it was the hospital...

Unconditionally [Luke Brooks Story]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें