~ Chapter Twenty Five ~

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~ Chapter Twenty Five ~

Kelly's POV (again)

I went to get into the passenger seat again but I was stopped by a pair of muscly arms that were wrapped around my waist. 

I turned around and Luke had a grin on his face, with a glint in his eye.

"We're alone now." He said.

I nodded.

He started kissing my neck and then whispered "I love you." Into my ear. 

When I heard those three words i pulled open the back door of the car and pushed him in, I climbed on top of him and kissed him hard, just like we used to.

I stopped for a second and said "Take your sexual frustration out on me." Luke bit his lip as he processed what I had said, then he grinned. 

Then i pulled his shirt off over his head and he pulled off mine, then we returned to our passionate kiss, I ran my hand down his chest to his crotch, I kept my hand there and I knew it was driving him crazy, I chuckled and started rubbing him down there, he let out a husky groan. 

"You like that do you?" I breathed in his ear.

"Mmhm." He groaned.

He started to kiss my neck again and found my sweet spot, I gasped as he began to suck on the spot, he put his hands all over my body while i kept rubbing him and he kept kissing/sucking on my neck, he kept doing all of the things that turn me on and boy was it working.

"I want you now." I breathed.

He pulled down his pants and then mine, then he started off slow then faster and then slow again.

Luke's POV

"Faster." She moaned.

I followed her instructions and began thrusting faster, each time feeling better and better, our bodies were as close as they could be and we were both sweating and panting, this is much better than the first time.

Funny how my first time resulted in my first child.


Two days later..

Luke's POV

Kelly is sick again, we went out for dinner last night and she ate alot of the seafood, so she got food poisoning, at least thats what we think is wrong. 

She hasn't left her bed all day today except for when she needed to get up to either throw up or go to the toilet. 

I think I should take her to the doctor, but she doesn't want to, I think she has a feeling that it might be something else, so do I.

"Kel, I'll be back soon."

"Where are you going."

"Just to get some panadol, we've run out." I replied.

I heard an "Okay."


I sat in the car after parking my car for a few minutes, analyzing everything that happened during the past two days.

Ate seafood.

Caught a minor cold.

Had a late night swim in the cold.

After thinking about the past two days it finally hit me.

We forgot about protection again.

I jumped out of the car and almost sprinted inside, I went straight to the isle with female necessities and bought four pregnancy tests, then I raced home to Kelly. 

I approached her with the plastic bag and she sat up and looked at me confused, then she asked what was in the bag and i tipped it upside down so the tests fell into her lap.

"Im not pregnant, we used protection this time." She croaked.

I stayed quiet and glanced down at my shoes.

"Wait, we did use protection right" She asked, unsure this time.

I slowly shook my head to say 'no'.

She grabbed the tests and went straight to the bathroom, I followed her but stopped at the door, letting her have some privacy.

She was in that room for ages, the house was silent for that whole time, then I heard her say "You can come in now."

I opened the door and noticed her sitting in the corner holding the four tests in her hands, a scared look in her eyes.

"What did they say?" I asked.

She said nothing.


Still nothing.

Instead of asking her again i just sat down in front of her and took the tests from her, I laid them on the ground and saw all four of them with the word 'Pregnant' on them.

I looked back at her face, a tear rolled down her cheek, I took my hand and wiped the tear, then lifted her chin up so she looked me in the eye.

"What are we going to do?" She croaked.

"I have no idea." I replied honestly.

If Kelly really is pregnant, which, considering my luck, she is, that means i will be a father of two at the age of eighteen.

I threw my head back against the wall because i couldn't figure out what we should do now, should I call mum? Should I take her somewhere? Will we even keep this baby? 

All of these questions were buzzing around my head one hundred miles an hour, I started to feel light headed then everything went blurry, then all i saw was black.


I woke up lying on the floor, I had no idea where i was, all i could see was a white roof, tiled floor and walls, and a bright white light was above me.

A woman approached me, she was wearing a teal apron-like thing with trousers of the same colour, hair slicked back into a tight bun with a sweet smile on her face.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"The hospital."

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"Because your girlfriend is in labour, you went to get a drink." She stated.

"Why am I on the floor then?" I asked.

"Im not sure actually, did you trip over or something?" She asked.

"I don't know."

I got up and followed the lady through the corridors, when we reached a stop I looked into the window of her room and saw her covered in sweat holding a tiny little baby in her arms, she looked up and smiled at me, I smiled to and then I walked in and sat beside her, our baby was a girl, and so small, her hand grasped my thumb as she opened her eyes and looked into my soul.



"Luke, are you okay?" I heard the familiar voice say to me as I regained consciousness.

I opened my eyes and saw Kelly's angelic face above mine, she looked very worried.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You passed out." She stated.

"We should take you to see a doctor." I said.

"Luke, we know I'm definitely pregnant so we don't need a doctor." She said.

"Please." I pleaded.

She went to shake her head to say no but then looked into my eyes, smiled and nodded.

"Should we tell someone?" She asked.

"Um not just yet." I replied.

We sat in silence for a little while, just thinking about our situation. 

I decided that we shouldn't sit on the cold hard ground any longer so i stood up then knelt down, put one arm under her legs and the other around her, then I stood up and carried her into our bedroom.

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