~ Epilogue: Part One ~

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A/N Just before this epilogue starts i wanna remind you that it is the alternative ending, what would have happened if Kelly didnt die but still suffered from the crash. btw this is basicaly a new book with an alternate outcome of the crash but i couldnt be bothered making it a new book Enjoy x

Recap (Chapter Forty)

No one's POV

Luke was sitting at home just on his laptop after having a good conversation with his big brother, Beau, when out of no where his phone began to ring.

He scrambled around trying to find it, he finally did and hit the 'Accept Call' button.

"Hello?" He said unsure of who was calling him.

"Is this Luke Brooks?" The person asked.


"I'm Officer Smith, I am calling to inform you that Kelly Parks, your fiancé has been in a severe car accident." He said.

"W-What?" Luke asked.

"A car accident, she is currently in the hospital."

"Okay, I'll be there soon." Luke said.

Once he had hung up he texted his mum and asked her to pick up the kids.

He went outside and got into his car, he drove the same way Kelly did, not realizing that was where she crashed.

He was at the lights waiting for the green one, just as Kelly was not long before, when he finally looked around him, he saw her car wrapped around a pole, the truck was no where to be seen, and all of these police where there.

He knew that she was in the hospital now but he couldn't help but get out of the car and go to inspect the crash.

He looked into the car and saw Kelly's handbag, her dream catcher dangling from the rear view mirror, the car scraped of its colour where the truck hit, then lastly he saw blood on the seat.

He quickly grabbed he handbag and scurried back to his car, all of these thoughts buzzing around his head, he started to drive again and he chose not to really think about the situation, he just wanted to see her.

Once he was out the front of the hospital he put his keys and wallet into his pocket and then hurried inside the building.

At the reception he asked for Kelly's room and they told him that she was in the intensive care unit, that worried him a whole lot more.

He went down to the ICU and finally found her, lying peacefully still, with all of these tubes going into her body, her chest slowly moving up and down as she was forced to breath by the machines.

He sat beside her and just stared, he couldn't believe that just an hour ago she was perfectly fine and happy and now she's like this.

A doctor walked in and told Luke the diagnosis.

(Chapter Forty One)

Luke's POV

"She's dying." He said.

I wanted to say something but the words just wouldn't come out.

"She is in very bad shape, her chances of living are very low, I'm so sorry." He added.

"What are her chances." I croaked out.


"So she's going to die?" I asked.

"Yes, she doesn't have that much time left."

"Take it back." I threatened the doctor.

His face went pale and he looked terrified then he said "I'm sorry but I can't lie to you."

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