~ Epilogue: Part Four ~

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~ Luke's POV ~

Its been two weeks since the accident. Kelly still can't place me in her memory and it's making me feel even more doubtful that she ever will. She remembers Beau, Jai, Daniel and even James, but not me. I don't understand how she couldn't have placed me in a dream I mean we spent nearly everyday together except for when I went to LA.

She remembers everything except anything that involves me.

Why did this have to happen? What did I do to deserve a fiancé who doesn't know who I am?

As each day passes without her remembering me I lose more and more hope, I'm starting to think she'll never remember.

Why cant she remember me but she can remember everyone else around her?

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration, thinking about Kelly's inability to remember me crushed me inside, i should stop overthinking it, but i cant.

I'm getting bad again.

And this time she isn't here to fix it, last time i had her and i knew that i would be ok but now I'm not so sure, because this time is different, i don't have her with me, I'm fighting this battle all on my own.

I decided that i should go visit a friend for the day whilst Kelly was currently out with Beau and his wife, Anna.

I got into my car and turned the key in the ignition, the engine roared to life as i sped down the road to my desired destination. 

I pulled up out the front of James' house and let myself into his home, I walked down the hall to his room only to find it empty.

I walked back out to the kitchen and saw that James wasnt there, i checked every room in his house and couldnt find him.

Just as i decided i should leave i heard a familiar voice.

"Hi, Luke. James isnt home at the moment." Rita informed me.

"Oh, where is he?" I asked her.

"Not sure actually." She replied.

"Well, i guess i should go home." I said.

"No, stay, you can always hang out with me." She said.

"Okay." I said as i followed her into her room.


"So, what's been happening lately?" She asked.

"Heaps." I said.


I told her everything that i had kept bottled up for weeks in about 5 minutes, and it felt good to talk to someone about my problems.

"Your situation reminds me of a movie ive seen." She said.

"What movie?" I asked.

"The Vow, It's a Channing Tatum movie." She said.

(A/N: The epilogue is inspired by the vow fyi)

"Really?" I said.


"I think i have it actually." She said as she stood up and began to flick through her dvds in the cabinet.

"Here it is." She said holding up a dvd case.

"Do you want to watch it?" She asked.

"Sure." I replied.


"I shouldnt have watched that." I said to Rita after sitting though almost 2 hours of the movie.

"Sorry, Luke." She said.

"No it isnt your fault, really its fine Rita." I said. 

It wasnt her fault, i agreed to watch it so its my fault that im crying like a teenage girl.

"Do you want me to call James?" She asked, not sure what she should do with me.

"No, you dont have to, ill just go home." I said.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah I'll be fine, thankyou Rita." I said, heading towards the front door.

I noticed it was now dark outside and Kelly would be home by her self, lost, without me.

"Shit." I muttered as i rushed to my car, i swung open the door but just as i was about to get in i felt a sharp pain in my chest. I touched mt chest with my hand and saw it was covered in red liquid, blood.

I fought to stay concious but as soon as Rita was sitting beside me on the ground begging me to stay awake i gave in and saw nothing but black.

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