~ Epilogue: Part Three ~

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~ Kelly's POV ~

Its been three days since i woke up in a hospital room with a man i dont know telling me we are engaged.

You cant say that you would be fine with that at all, because the man im supposedly engaged to broke my heart at a young age, forced me to grow up and stop believing in fairytales, he ruined my childhood.

Being told that im engaged to him was a big deal but being told that we have two children together. Thats a whole new ball park.

I was currently sitting beside Luke on the couch of 'our' lounge room, in 'our' house. The doctor suggested I go back to my normal routine, so this is apparently my normal routine, we sit on the couch all day, he plays on his laptop and i read a book while our kids are at school, no they dont know about this situation yet, they are staying with Luke's mum while we are on 'holidays'.

I dont know what will come of this but i just hope that there isnt a tragic outcome, i cant deal with hurting people.


"Do you want me to get you something to eat?" Luke asked as he stood up from his sitting postion on the couch.

"Um nah, im okay thanks." I replied, my eyes leaving Luke and returning to the page i was currently reading in my book..

"Okay, but you havent uh eaten in 3 days." He replied, i looked up at him and saw him looking at me scratching the back of his neck nervously, like he was scared to upset me, to lose me.

"Oh, well im not hungry, i really just want to watch a movie or something." I said.

"Oh, okay, well what do you wanna watch?" He asked, scurrying over to the rack of dvds beside the tv.

"Um, what would we usually watch?" I asked.

"Well anything, as long as it was a chick flick." He smiled to himself.

"You pick then." I said, placing my book on the table beside me and bringing my knees to my chest.

Once Luke had selected a movie he placed the disc on the disc tray and sat beside me with the remote in his hand.

Once the movie had begun i realised i didnt remember watching it ever, Luke seemed to act like it was a movie we always watched but i couldnt place it in my memory.

"Um, Luke," I whispered.

His head snapped in my direction and his eyes scanned my face as if he was trying to detect a problem.

"Yeah. Whats wrong?" He asked.

"Oh, um i dont remember this movie, what is it?" I asked, becoming embarrassed.

"It's 17 Again." He replied.

"Oh, okay. Did we watch this alot?" I asked.

He nodded. "It is-was your favourite."

"Oh." Was the only thing I could say, I couldn't get any other words or do anything else, I could see I was breaking his heart with every small thing I couldn't remember about us.

I wish I could remember.

"I'm sorry." I said as Luke's eye contact broke from mine and he looked at his feet.

"No, don't be. It's not your fault. None if this is."

I didn't know what he meant by none of this is but I brushed it off and returned my gaze to the tv screen.

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