~ Chapter Thirty Four ~

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~ Chapter Thirty Four ~

Luke's POV

I gave the sheet back to the doctor and he took a deep breath before saying the two words I never wanted to hear.

"It's cancer."

I tried to say something but I just couldn't get any words out, I looked at Kelly through the corner of my eye and saw tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

After a long silence I finally got out the words "No, it can't be."

"I'm very sorry Mr Brooks, but your daughter has tested positive to leukemia, we will need to start treatment quite soon to try and irradiate the cancer."

"She is in the early stages of this type of cancer so it is lucky that it was picked up now." He added.

I felt like I was in a nightmare and it wasn't real, Georgia couldn't have leukemia she couldn't, she was born a healthy baby, she had been healthy her whole life, she had only ever had a cold once.

"W-When?" Kelly finally spoke.

I rubbed her back with my hand and pulled her into my chest.

The doctor looked into his diary and then said "Treatment can start during the next 2-3 weeks."

"That's good." I said.

"But the only problem is that the treatment is only available in London, England since we haven't got the facilities here at the moment, if you get it done there she has a higher chance of living." He explained.

"England?" I said in disbelief.

"Yes, the treatment is in England, would you like me to book you in for in three weeks?" He asked.

I looked down at Kelly and she croaked "Yes."

I nodded, he then started typing details into the computer.

"Okay, Georgia has been booked in for three weeks from now, her treatment will include chemotherapy every two weeks from when treatment starts, we don't know when the treatment will end because we don't know how long the cancer will be in her body for." He said.

"I am very sorry." He said.

We nodded and then left the doctors office, as we walked back out to the waiting room Kelly stopped and I saw her watching Georgia playing with the toys, a smile on her face and her long hair covering her face.

I put my arm around my girlfriend once again and rubbed her shoulder.

"She will survive Kel, I know it." I said reassuring her.

I then wiped Kelly's face and kissed her forehead, "We will get her through this." I said looking into her green eyes.

She nodded and attempted a smile.

We continued walking out to the waiting room and Georgia ran up to us smiling.

"Hi Mummy, Hi Daddy." She beamed.

"Hi sweetie." We both said.

"Can we go home now?" She asked.

"Yeah let's go home." I said.

I picked her up and carried her outside to the car and put her in her booster seat and buckled up her seatbelt.

Once we got home we put a movie on for Georgia and then went up to our room to talk about our situation.

I sat on the bed and Kelly closed the door before turning to face me.

"What do we do?" She asked stepping closer to me and looking into my eyes, searching for an answer in them.

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